Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Home safe.

We made it home safe. Details of the trip to follow. Tomorrow or later.


A very special day…


Where’s All the Good News?


  1. Anonymous


    Glad to hear you’re home safe. I knew you could do it in one shot 🙂

    Was fun to meet your new ‘other half’ this morning 🙂 Breakfast was
    too short.



  2. *hugs* Good to know that you’re both home safe.
    *smiles and more hugs, also to L.*

  3. Good to know you didn’t have an accident between the time I called you and getting home. 🙂 Amazing how doing a long drive with a sweetheart can shorten it, isn’t it? And I miss you two already.

  4. home safe

    I am also glad to hear you two are home safe . .

    And now it’s *home* to both of you, isn’t it? *big big smile.*

  5. *big smile*

    I remember the first night when WD and I got back to the Boston suburbs. I kept looking at him as he slept, realizing he was here to stay. 🙂

    I’m *sooooo* glad I got to meet you. You are really a class act. 🙂

    *big hug*


  6. Glad you two made it there uneventfully. Not a short trip, that!

    BTW, before I forget – the URL of that radio station: is the place. Go have fun. 🙂

  7. Home safe with your sweetheart is a Good Thing ™ I’m glad you both are! *hugsnuggles*

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