Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Your house is just a pile of stuff with a cover on it…

kitanzi mentioned the wonderful new bookcase we got from telynor. It’s a wonderful piece of furniture, which she said was hand-made by her uncle, but she simply had nowhere to put in her new house, and we could have it if we wanted it.

Here’s the view of the bookcase and the fireplace.

A slightly crooked view from straight on (the floor is level. I won’t say the same for me!)

Anyone looking at our shelves would get the idea we really liked Lois McMaster Bujold. 🙂

Thanks again to telynor for the bookcase (and the bed and the bureau!), and to all our wonderful friends who have helped us furnish our nest!


RIP Dave Carter


Happy Birthday…


  1. That’s a lovely bookcase, and it fits so nicely! Coolness!

  2. Ya want a coffee table?

    Close to the same color scheme as your entertainment center, with four drawers that fit VHS tapes nicely. Still in quite decent shape, despite umpteen kids. U haul. Free to good home! *G*

  3. And I see a Fenris in the corner (who I look forward to meeting again in February!)

    • first thought – there was a wolf I didn’t spot?
      second thought – or are there Fenris guitars… *grin*

      • *G* Fenris is the name of my 12-string Fender guitar, which you can see in that top photo. It’s a lovely thing, but if you aren’t careful, it’ll turn around and bite you hard. 🙂


        • Oh, nonsense! Fenris is a perfectly nice guitar; it didn’t bite me until I’d been playing it for what, 2 hours straight or something?

          • Oh, nonsense! Fenris is a perfectly nice guitar; it didn’t bite me until I’d been playing it for what, 2 hours straight or something?

            Sure, just the minute you stopped paying attention to it. 🙂


          • Heh. I think it was more I stopped playing because my fingertips *hurt*

          • It earned its name, doncha think? 🙂


        • Anonymous

          Can you play Ragna Rock on it?

          Fenris? I thought Fenris was supposed to be chained. Or is it unchained because
          Rangarok is upon us and silly me hasn’t noticed? 🙂

          Ann Onynous (in Massachewus)

      • *grin* Fenris is Rob’s 12-string, which I spent an inordinate amount of time playing at OVFF.

  4. Oooh, that *is* a lovely piece of furniture! Do you share my love for *real* wooden furniture then? And a fireplace – niiiice. On the whole: white walls, lots of space, books in a lovely bookcase, a fireplace and *guitars*… I could feel right at home there. *grinninghugs to you both*
    And yay! for the nesting and the photos!

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