When I do something for someone, it’s because I want to. Not because I expect anything in return, for myself or anyone else, other than the satisfaction of helping where I can.
For the record.
When I do something for someone, it’s because I want to. Not because I expect anything in return, for myself or anyone else, other than the satisfaction of helping where I can.
For the record.
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I don’t know what caused this, so I can’t comment on the specifics. For the record, though, when someone does something for me I often feel so helpless and unworthy that I try to give it back in whatever way I can, even though I know the person didn’t do it for that reason, even though I know they are certain there is no debt. I feel a debt anyway. It isn’t rational, but it’s the way it is.
You know, I can’t imagine anyone who knows you would expect otherwise from you.
Ann Onynous (puzzled).
*Exactly* my thought …
Me three.
You’re one of my role models on this, you know.
with a big hug
*hugs* since I have no idea what cause the reaction or annoyance. Just *hugs*
Nobody who knows you would doubt that, I think.
Or maybe I would think that you sometimes do it to enjoy the joy of others, or maybe because it gives you an opportunity to spent time with them…that much selfishness I could believe.
Anyone who knows you, and isn’t bitterly reacting to assumptions he’s made that have nothing to do with you personally, knows that. *snugglehug*
For the record…
…sometimes people say things when they’re upset that they regret.
I was falling prey to the same dependance on an invalid source of information that I was reacting to somebody else doing. So, egg on my face, and apologies proferred all around.
Rob Wynne
Re: For the record…
Oh, forgiven. I don’t bear grudges. But the original comment was made behind a friends tag, and I decided this was important enough as a general prinicple to state openly, divorced from any specific context.
Re: For the record…
Certainly – I wasn’t the person you hurt, so really any forgiveness from my part is minor, but you have it. I admit, I’m gratified you recognized you were doing the same thing you were scolding someone else for.
*hugs* And that’s one of the reasons I adore you so.
That’s not much of a surprise to me, at any rate.
Can I ask what brought it on?
I suspect that whatever happened is akin to why I put my principles of intent on my userinfo.
For the record
Just a hug for you *huuuugs*