Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Month: March 2003

Over there, Part the third

At long last, the Quinze report

Ok, so I’ve been neglecting catching up on trip reports, which is not unusual for me, but I didn’t want to let the rest of my trip to England go unreported on, so here’s part two. Maybe I’ll get caught up by the weekend.

Link found in hitchhiker’s LJ

Canada’s apology to the United States

A meme! A palpable meme!

Stolen from the lovely tigerbright, with an addition by my sweetie, kitanzi

I ____ Autographedcat.
Autographedcat is ____.
If I were alone in a room with Autographedcat, I would _______.
I think Autographedcat should _____.
Autographedcat needs ______.
I want to ____________ Autographedcat.
I think Autographedcat’s weakest point would be ________.

Technology makes EVERYTHING better…

The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation…

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