create your own visited states map
or write about it on the open travel guide
I *did* count states I’ve driven through (the only reason New York graces this map, for instance), but that’s only because I felt so inadequate compared to the rest of you. 🙂 In fairness, I only really began to travel outside of the southeast in the last few years, for various reasons that no longer seem very good.
Have to get out west soon. Never been out west.
i feel better about how few i’ve visited now =)
You also have to come visit that island of green surrounded by red. 🙂
Rob Wynne
Heh. I’ve been close to it. I spent the night in Bell Mawr, NJ, just across the river from Philly. But as we weren’t required to drive through, I didn’t actually enter PA. I’ll try and make it up there sometime.
I guess this one’s mainly for US residents, and as I’ve only visited Houston, Texas, and that for nothing but a week of work, my map’d look even emptier than yours.
Now, if there was an countries-of-the-world equivalent then I might have something a little less empty…
Rob Wynne
There *was* one here, but it looks like their servers down. Possibly slashdotted in the same way that’s is.
Not Florida???
I’m amazed that you’ve not traveled South a few hours to the “Oppressive Humidity State”….
Rob Wynne
Re: Not Florida???
Somehow, I’ve just never made it down there. I’ve been as close to the Florida border as Mobile, AL, but never crossed the line.