This meme was vectored from the adorable ladysprite
On the theory that we could all use a hearty dose of positive energy and general warm fuzziness while we wait, none too patiently, for spring and better times; that *no* one I know is getting told often enough what a good job they’re doing just getting through this crazy, lovely world. Take a second, and mention something you like about me (if such a thing exists) in the comments. Then repost this to your own journal, and have some goodness for yourself.
Oh my gosh I could go on for hours.
You’re adorable and snuggly and good at giving advice and good at listening.
I love reading your point of view. It’s balanced, yet very distinctive. Warm, friendly – to a point. Don’t mess.
I like that you are not a psycho hose beast, that you understand the value of open honest consistent courageous commmunication, that you listen to me on my up days and my down days, and you give some of the best hugs ever. There’s another version fo this list; I’ll email that one
You give some of the best hugs I’ve ever had, second only to Dave Clement.
You are a Good Man. No, really. In my personal dictionary next to my definition of a good person, there’s a picture of you.
You’re not perfect—that would be both impossible and scary—you’re good. There’s a difference.
Your hugs are a very safe place to be.
You’re exceptionally good at knowing what to say, when someone needs to hear something. (That’s true even when what’s needed is a kick in the pants!)
You’re incredibly thoughtful and caring, and you can cheer me up like nobody else….
You’re the best friend ever. Even when you’re grumpy. I love that you’re sweet enough to kiss me when I need to be kissed. You seem very strong to me, even though we both know you aren’t always. And you’re so yummy and big. And you do things for people just because you do things for people. OK, this is getting to be a long list, but I couldn’t just pick one.
You’re a real gentleman. There are far too few of these.
You’re very understanding and uplifting.
Riding you like a pony is incredibly fun, and only possible because you make me feel so damn secure.
You’re very welcoming to newbies.
Your warmth, thoughtfulness, and openness in all things is frequently inspiring.
You are approachable, friendly, genuinely kind and thoughtful, funny, I love your sense of humor, you give nice backrubs and physical contact but can read when to avoid contact, you post interesting and thought provoking things… and you make me laugh!
I only know you from reading your entries here but you seem to be a very open and positive person.
You combine high wit an encyclopaedic knowledge of music to great effect.
You’re great fun to talk to and to flirt with. And, you give very nice hugs.
Hugs and backrubs,kindness to children, appreciation of chocolate, good taste in women. I’m glad I’ve gotten a chance to know you.