Vectored from maebdh7
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When’s the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
15. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
1. Who are you? I’m Angie!
2. Are we friends? I hope so!
3. When and how did we meet? Online: Early 1996 or so. You asked me why I hadn’t told you I was cute before you saw pics of me. In Person: Earlier this year, your apartment.
4. Do you have a crush on me? Uh, yeah.
5. Would you kiss me? Uh, yeah.
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Hm. Tough one.
7. Describe me in one word. Cuddly
8. What was your first impression? My first impression of you was long before I’d ever seen you. That you were kind and caring.
9. Do you still think that way about me now? Yes.
10. What reminds you of me? Filk, songs that make me laugh, things that make me think.
11. If you could give me anything what would it be? I’d give you the happiness you have now, only years and years ago.
12. How well do you know me? Fairly well, but distance and busy lives always work against things like that.
13. When’s the last time you saw me? End of February, wasn’t it?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t? Several times, I’m sure.
15. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you? Yes.
1. Callie, aka, aka aka the “tall half” of Echo’s Children.

2. Yep!
3. First in cyberspace, I’m pretty sure, then in person at OVFF in ’01.
4. Nope… I’m just sweet on you, a bit.
5. Sure. Where, when?
6. I’d probably use your #filkhaven handle, “doc”.
7. warm
(note: this was tough! a thumbnail description of you is at least a phrase, not a word…)
8. big and cuddly
9. sure do!
10. grits, “3am privileges”, good backrubs
11. hugs, lots of them
12. medium well
13. Galacticon in Chattanooga, two months ago (wow, time flies!).
14. nope… the lines of communication are very open between us
15. heh … already did.
1.. That’s a very silly question.
2. I sure hope so. Why else would I have you on my Yahell msngr and go hang out in #filkhaven from time to time if not cuz yer my friend?
3. I think we met via the filk critique group. IIRC. Or, perhaps, it was on And you had ICQ. And I added you and you actually talked to me. And it went from there.
4. Hee! I did when I first met you! Now I just think you’re cute and will give you a big ‘ole SMOOCH when I finally meet you in RL.
5. Read previous entry.
6. Nick? You already have a good one. I’d sitck with it cuz I like it. You seem like a big ‘ole kitty cat.
7. Personable.
8. Nice guy, rather sweet.
9. Yup. Along with naughty sense of humour.
10. Northwest Passage. Cuz of something you said about Stan Rogers music once.
11. An airline ticket to Victoria for June so you could come to PondFilk.
12. Casual friends. Slightly better than acquaintance though.
13. Online. The other day (yesterday?)
14. Erm… nope.
15. Yup yup, sure am.
1) I’m the PocketNaomi.
2) Yes, I think so.
3) At my first OVFF, for breakfast with Harper and a few others on Monday.
4) Nah. I love you, but not that way.
5) Sure; you’re smoochable.
6) The one you use for yourself, Doc, works pretty well. Reminds me of Doc Webster from Callahan’s, of whom you remind me rather a lot.
7) Gentlemanly.
8) That you were really impressive because you both thought and felt at the same time.
9) Very much so.
10) Southern accents.
11) An incredible book you haven’t read yet.
12) Middling. Pretty well considering that we don’t live in the same place, but that’s a barrier.
13) Last GaFilk, when you and kitanzi saw me to the airport shuttle bus.
14) I flirt because you’re safe and very sweet and good to flirt with, and I’d’ve gone if you’d asked me, but I’m not as disappointed that you turned down my passes as I pretend.
15) I dunno yet. Probably.
1) Maedbh7
Until you shrink about 2 feet
2) uhm…yeah
3) You tell me it was in an airport; probably we saw each other in 2002…but I don’t recall that.
4) Not as such, no
5) Thought I had already. No? Hm…I’ll have to fix that immediately…
6) ACat, because it’s shorter to type
7) talented }:)
8) “Gee, mister, are you tall!”
9) yeah
10) HoHo’s, online photographs, cute black cats, certain books, shelves full of books, #filkhaven, JediMud, Aphelion, almond oil, swimming pools at certain hotels
11) “I’d buy a big house where we all could live”. And a viable, working, free transporter system.
12) Biblically speaking? Or just in general?
13) Much too long ago
14) not really
15) no, that would be silly. And redundent.
1. oooo deep….(kidding! i am anna)
2. i should hope so!
3. er… Con14 over here, you new em from the net, and we ended up having a very long conversation, it was good!
4. How did you know!!!!
5.what, again?
6. Zebra Man!!!!! you bought me a zebra!
7. snuggly
8. my first impression was the inside of a hospital room.
9. of course, every time i think of you i think of hospitals!(eh?)
10. firefly, Bob the Zebra, Sandman, GaFilk, good ol’ southern food.
11. hm… i would give you all the books that got burnt, but i think you like the looking, so a ticket to the next british filk con!
12. how well can yo know any one(ha, dodged that!)
13. er, end of january.
14. er…maybe, can’t remember, if i did it was probably cos i coulden’t find you and nothing else.
15. why not!
::laughs:: Too many questions! But I love your pic. It’s cute. It’s rodent. But what the heck is it?!
Rob Wynne
A lemming of course! What better for a meme?
LOL!! Perfect!