Despite the fact that Friday was my birthday, I had not arranged to take the day off, as had been my habit once upon a time. In all honesty, I just had too much to do at work to spare the time. All in all, it’s probably best that I didn’t, as it would have complicated my sweetie’s plans for me.
kitanzi had requested a half-day two months ago, without telling me. She used this time to be ready for me when I got home, where I found a dozen roses in a vase on my desk, along with a card and a rather tasty key lime cake from Harry’s Farmer’s Market. It was one of the nicer surprises I could have imagined.
We left the cake for later, and headed off to have a nice romantic dinner. We chose Casa Nuova, a marvelous family-owned Italian restaurant in Alpharetta Casa Nuovoa falls into the category of “hidden treasures” — to see it from the outside, you’d never guess it was worth visiting. The interior, however, is cozy and the service is impeccable. The food is authentic Italian fare, rather than the more common American-Italian, and the difference is worth seeking out. kitanzi had the seafood casserole, one of the nightly specials, and I had the Scampi Alla Casa Nuova, which was very tasty as well (though I think Kit got the better entree — hers was exceptional, whereas mine was merely very very good). For an appetizer, we had what may be the best Calamari Fritto I have ever had anywhere.
We skipped dessert (since we had the cake waiting) and returned home to snuggle on the couch and watch the DVD of “Eddie Izzard: Dress To Kill”. I had heard this performance before, but never seen the video. The video makes what was already funny even better; Izzard is a very visual performer. About halfway through, we started getting tired, and left the second half of the performance for another night and went to bed.
All in all, it was a wonderful way to spend the evening of my birthday. Thanks to everyone for the good birthday wishes here on LJ, and on #filkhaven, and wherever else you sent them to me. (And a special thanks to annonynous and his wife L., for the only physical birthday card I got aside from kitanzi and my mom!)
Belated happies from here. It sounds like a nice way to spend a birthday *snugglehugs*
Rob Wynne
Thanks so much!!
Happy birthday, Rob! This is the first I’d heard of it, or I would have said so sooner, so there.
Sorry you couldn’t make the filk; we missed both of you!
Rob Wynne
Yeah, we *meant* to go, but then I got that new game and….well. It’s all‘s fault!
Sure, pass the buck…
Mmm, key lime from Harry’s. I want one! Kit’s a treasure, isn’t she?
Rob Wynne
Oh, yes she is. She also (I forgot to mention) gave me another present on Friday — she told me I was to consider myself a ‘gentlemen at leisure’ for the weekend, and was thus excused from my normal share of housework.
I don’t deserve her, really. But I’m keeping her anyway, even so.
Belated birthday wishes to you–sounds like you had a perfect evening. And I’m going to have to seek out that restaurant this fall!
Rob Wynne
Thanks so much.
The restaurant is located up Highway 9, just north of McFarland Road (Exit 12 off of 400). It’s on the left hand side in a little strip mall, right across the street from the big Kroger shopping centre.
Gack! I fergot your bday I was in such a hurry to celebrate my anniversary last weekend!
Glad to hear it was a good one. *hugs*
Rob Wynne
Thanks, sweetie. *hug*
Happy (belated) birthday – sorry I spaced on it and forgot to wish you on the day! *hugs*
Rob Wynne
Thanks, sweetie.
This is what happens when I have too much of a life for LJ… happy belated birthday!
Rob Wynne
Thanks ever so much! *hugsmooch*