Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Amusing Meme

I have a long list of questions from various of you to answer. In the mean time, I found this over aj_raffles way and it amused me, so….

If my friends list were a fandom…
A) Who would the ‘shippers pair me with?
B) Who would the slashers pair me with?
C) What would a Mary Sue in my fandom be like OR who is mostly likely to be turned into canon!Sue?
D) When did I/when will I jump the shark? (Which is to ask, “When did I/will I become crap and cease to be interesting?”
E) Write a summary of the story that would win the Best Fanfic Award in my fan


Asshaberdashery run amok


20 Questions


  1. A) and , of course.
    , , and . (Not plausible for any of you, but would be amusing to write.)
    C) Not quite sure. Perhaps your long-lost sister
    D) Hmm. When you suddenly give up computers and music and move to Cincinnati and work in a factory and never crack a joke again.
    E) Alas, I’m not that creative.

    • A) and , of course.

      Of course, those are/were canon. 🙂

      D) Hmm. When you suddenly give up computers and music and move to Cincinnati and work in a factory and never crack a joke again.

      Yeah, I think even I’d lose interest in me at that point. 🙂

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