Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Why I love the UK

All my life, I’ve felt that I was born on the wrong side of the ocean. This was underscored yesterday in the aftermath of the London transit bombings, as I watched the populace react to events with characteristic British understatement. Yes, this is how you deal with this sort of thing — exactly like that.

Honestly, anyone who knows anything about Londoners culture should have known the operation was doomed to failure, anyway. The whole point of terror bombing is to send a message, and everyone knows you don’t strike up conversations with strangers on the Tube. It’s just not done.

I was also pleased to see #filkhaven once again creating a central place for people in the filk community to get news, check up on their friends and chosen family, and generally *be a community* for people scattered by geography but bound together by spirit. I did comment sardonically to fleetfootmike that we needed to find a better method for promoting the use of the channel, though. 🙂

Well done, everyone! Carry on.


Happy Birthday


Musing on muses


  1. “Honestly, anyone who knows anything about Londoners culture should have known the operation was doomed to failure, anyway. The whole point of terror bombing is to send a message, and everyone knows you don’t strike up conversations with strangers on the Tube. It’s just not done.”


    I hereby commandeer this quote in service of the nation. This is your receipt. Sign here… and here… Thankyou. [SALUTE]
    Enjoy the rest of your stay in British Cyberspace.

  2. I mentioned recently that despite everything, I still consider the US to be one of the top ten countries in the world. That said, the others are England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, and either Switzerland or France. In more or less that order.

    • I might agree on the top ten, but I’d order them the other way round…
      You probably never visited switzerland, so you don’t know 😉

      • Anonymous

        Well, and I also am not so good at French, German, or Italian.

        • Well, taht isn’t switzerland’s fault – but I understand it. I noticed, that, say african, or jugoslavian people are not happy here either – too few sun, and a strange culture.
          Home is always the best place, I suppose.

    • I boggle at anyone feeling driven to choose between France and Switzerland.

      Switzerland = swiss chocolate, anonymous bank accounts, lovely mountains, wartime neutrality etc. etc.

      France = full of french people.

      I rest my case.


      • Well, french wine, moldy cheese, fish soup and seacoast are not bad either –
        But most important, if you work in switzerland, you get a decent pay. And we have the most beautiful cows.

  3. I *heart* that icon. 😀

  4. Amen, and double amen for the icon. 😀

  5. Saluting London, and saluting your icon.

    In honor of both, I have just gone and had – southern infidel that I am – another glass of iced tea, over my usual one per morning.

    Now I shall have to go put the kettle on to make another pitcher shortly. I shall think of London as I do so.

  6. Honestly, anyone who knows anything about Londoners culture should have known the operation was doomed to failure, anyway. The whole point of terror bombing is to send a message, and everyone knows you don’t strike up conversations with strangers on the Tube. It’s just not done.

    has no one metaquoted that yet???

  7. i met you in person so briefly, but i can totally see that UK thing. 🙂

  8. There you go making me rearrange my nice tidy quote-of-the-day queue …

  9. Found via , and submitted to

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