So, I kept meaning to post something about this and that and the other thing, and never got around to it, but the week wasn’t entirely uneventful. Highlights:
- Got to talk to maedbh7 for a good long while last Sunday, which was wonderful. Still a lot of unresolved stuff there, but it was a great conversation, and I really miss just hanging out on the phone with her and talking about whatever random stuff comes up.
- Also last Sunday, we had thatcrazycajun and singing_phoenix over for dinner, where we ate yummy Thai Chicken and talked and watched a bit of the Muppet Show DVD.
- Monday, the low point of the week, I dropped by the house to see if the mail had come during my lunch break, and when I got back into my car, it wouldn’t start. Luckily, kitanzi works just up the street, so I called her to come pick me up and deliver me back to work, after pushing the car into a nearby parking space and alerting the apartment office that I would be leaving it there a few days. Inconvenient, but at least it’s easy for us to carpool, since we have pretty compatible schedules and work across the street from one another.
- Monday night, had a nice long phone chat with catalana, which left me in a considerably better mood.
- Friday, we had our big Thanksgiving feast at work. I provided beverages (several Coke products, plus a gallon of sweet iced tea from Chick-fil-A). One of the neat things about our office potlucks is that, having folks from all over in our office, we get a wide variety of contributions to the table. There was fried chicken, and green beans, and some sort of little dim sum pot stickers, and fried rice, and stuffing with Jamaican spices, and deviled eggs and three different kinds of potato salad, and pasta salad, and a Jello mold with pears in it, and a wonderful pineapple punch that I got the recipe for and about nine different kinds of dessert, including a delicious thing that Tim’s wife makes that folks in my department know to grab a bit of during the first pass, because if you wait until you’re ready for dessert, you won’t get any. As you can see from my brief post on Friday, I ate waaaaay too much, and didn’t end up eating again until the next morning. But for all that I suffered Friday afternoon, it was worth it.
- Saturday, we went over to joyeuse13 and abovenyquist‘s house to help stain the walls of the new deck. We sanded the sides of the wall while joyeuse13 went to acquire the right kind of stain, and then with four pairs of hands it went really fast, and is now a lovely warm shade of brown that really makes the whole area feeling welcoming. It’s going to be fantastic once they’re done with all the work.
After finishing the deck, we ordered pizza, and chatted a good while, the decided to head back up towards our place to change clothes and the four of us went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I really want to see it again, though I don’t know that I’ll manage again in the theatre, but it was a gorgeously produced movie that I found quite enjoyable from start to finish.
- Before went over to joyeuse13 and abovenyquist‘s, I had called to have my poor car carted off to the garage. They called before we left their house to tell me it was all fixed, and apparently just needed a new battery. I was pleased and relieved, since I’d never had a battery go dead quite that suddenly without warning before, and was sure that it would turn out to be something far more expensive. We dropped by to pick it up en route to the house, and I now have my own transportation again.
Today has mostly been grocery shopping and City of Villains and catching up on CSI. All in all, not a bad week.
Do you guys have AAA memberships? It’s really convenient that both your works are close to each other
and to home, but this could have happened in the middle of nowhere. I’ve had AAA since the early ’70s,
and Chosen One and I have had their family plan since we married. And we’ve given gift memberships
(birthday / Christmas / Chanukah) to most of Chosen One’s sibs (and spouses) for many years.
[end public service announcement]
Ann O.
Rob Wynne
We don’t, though it’s something I’ve had in the past and keep intending to get again. I just keep procrastinating on it. But it’s definately a good idea.
Thank you, thank you for your help with the deck!
Rob Wynne
Oh, you’re welcome. It was more than fun! And thank you for the movie. It’s nice to know that when I arrive in the special hell, I’ll have good company.
Also last Sunday, we had thatcrazycajun and Mary (who has an LJ name that I can’t recall now) over for dinner…
Would that be, by chance?
Rob Wynne
I think so, but I wasn’t sure, and I *hate* misidentifying people. (One of the reasons so many of my photos aren’t properly captioned.)
Sounds like a busy week! And a good feast.