Gwnewch y pethau bychain

I am having that kind of week

Today I am tired and grouchy and this entire week has been stressy.

So…..tell me something good in *your* life. It’ll cheer me up. Please?


Getting to know me, getting to know all about me….


Too old to rock and roll, too young to die


  1. Fresh, sweet cherries. I bought 5lbs of them at Costco and brought a good pint or so into work with me today.

    Yum! Cherries!

  2. After nearly 20 years, I can once again play an actual, entire song on my guitar 🙂

  3. I had a fabulous weekend last weekend. I have a date with my other sweetie tonight. My daughter is coming home Friday. I am, once again, not pregnant. I could go on. 😛

    • Yay for all of those. Especially the first one. (And, by extension, the last one *grin*). Love you miss you!

      • Heh. It only takes getting preg on accident once to then celebrate every month forever after. (It’s been almost 12 years, and I still do a little happy bounce every. single. time. I’m probably a bit obsessive. :P)

        • *grin* I think will tell you that it probably doesn’t event ake the once. 🙂

          it’s certainly a good way to turn the tables on the “monthly curse” thing.

          “I shagged and I shagged and I shagged, and every one of the little buggers *missed*!” –Jane Christie, Coupling

    • I have a date with my other sweetie tonight.


  4. Pablo Neruda’s poetry always makes me feel good and the “Sexy Back” video makes me slightly horny. .

    And if that’s really a picture of YOU in the icon space, well, I think you’re awfully handsome. Was happy to see a black man’s face on Tygerr’s friends’ page of all places . . .

    So between Pablo Neruda poetry and the latest Justin Timberlake video, I hope you find something that makes you feel better. . .

    Yes: SEXY IS BACK (thank you, Justin Timberlake!!!!)

    (and yes: thoughts of sex always or usually tend to put a smile on my face. So long as it’s good sex, mind you. . .)

    Hope you have a much better day and week!

    Oh: the following chant also helps me in ways that I can’t understand (courtesy of once having studied Buddhism)

    “My mind is calm and peaceful now. . .my mind is calm and peaceful now. . .”

    I always say that, repeatedly, for about 5-10 minutes when I’m highly stressed. It works for me. Don’t know why. Try it. It might help you, too. . .

    • Re: Pablo Neruda’s poetry always makes me feel good and the “Sexy Back” video makes me slightly horn

      Afraid not. The post icon is British actor Shaun Parkes. Check out “Casanova” if you get a chance, he’s wonderfully sardonic in that.

      This icon is an actual picture of me.

      I’ll check out the links when I get home. Thanks!

      • Re: Pablo Neruda’s poetry always makes me feel good and the “Sexy Back” video makes me slightly horn

        Thank you. I knew I had seen him in something before Doctor Who but hadn’t got around to figuring out where.

      • Re: Oopsie!!!! Well. . .YOU are handsome as well, too (really). . .

        Sorry for thinking that you were a black guy, but not that really makes any difference — it’s just that I don’t ‘see’ a lot of black dudes on Live Journal (even via some of the black oriented LJ ‘communities’ I subscribe to so go figure! LOL!!!)

        And it’s not that a dude’s race matters much to me, really. I pride myself on being “equal opportunity”! If you don’t believe me, ask Tygerr! LOL!!!

        And thanks for hipping me to Shaun Parkes. I DO have a thing for some of the black Brit actors/actresses, esp. when they “crossover” to do stuff here (as in the great chick. . .Trudie Joplin or something like that. . .who starred in “28 Days.” I thought she was so brilliant and then wondered why I never saw her in anything else, for instance, but alas: she IS in the latest “Pirates of the Carribean” movie AND she plays Jamie Foxx’s love interest in the new “Miami Vice” flick so I’m happy that Hollywood is giving Brits of a “different color” a chance to shine in films here. . .
        So sorry to be totally “off topic,” but yes: great movies and great acting makes me happy, too so. . .

        Why not treat yourself to a really good movie, preferably a comedy? That will help you de-stress for, at least, a couple of hours or more (depending on the length of the movie).

        Nonetheless: feel better! And remember: NOTHING is ever as bad as it originally seems (or at least that’s what I’ve tried to make myself believe throughout my life!) and better yet — if it’s something that, truly, will not matter, let’s say, five years from now or even one year from now or even one month from now then you can also say:

        “This (stress/bad day/bad week, etc.) too, shall pass. . .”

        Gotta run! Great “meeting” you via Tygerr’s friends’ page!

        • Re: Oopsie!!!! Well. . .YOU are handsome as well, too (really). . .

          Sorry for thinking that you were a black guy, but not that really makes any difference — it’s just that I don’t ‘see’ a lot of black dudes on Live Journal (even via some of the black oriented LJ ‘communities’ I subscribe to so go figure! LOL!!!)

          And it’s not that a dude’s race matters much to me, really. I pride myself on being “equal opportunity”! If you don’t believe me, ask Tygerr! LOL!!!

          Hey, it doesn’t bother me. 🙂 If that sort of thing would upset me, I wouldn’t use the icon.

          And thanks for hipping me to Shaun Parkes. I DO have a thing for some of the black Brit actors/actresses, esp. when they “crossover” to do stuff here

          No problem. I’ve only seen Parks in two things so far (Doctor Who & Casanova), and I’m eager to see him in other things. I really like his style.

          (as in the great chick. . .Trudie Joplin or something like that. . .who starred in “28 Days.” I thought she was so brilliant and then wondered why I never saw her in anything else, for instance, but alas: she IS in the latest “Pirates of the Carribean” movie AND she plays Jamie Foxx’s love interest in the new “Miami Vice” flick so I’m happy that Hollywood is giving Brits of a “different color” a chance to shine in films here. . .
          So sorry to be totally “off topic,” but yes: great movies and great acting makes me happy, too so. . .

          Dunno if you are a SF fan, but the new companion on Doctor Who is Freema_Agyeman.

          Why not treat yourself to a really good movie, preferably a comedy? That will help you de-stress for, at least, a couple of hours or more (depending on the length of the movie).

          I’m thinking tonight might be a good time to break out hte new Animaniacs DVD I picked up yesterday. Or maybe watch Rocky & Bullwinkle. 🙂

          Nonetheless: feel better! And remember: NOTHING is ever as bad as it originally seems (or at least that’s what I’ve tried to make myself believe throughout my life!) and better yet — if it’s something that, truly, will not matter, let’s say, five years from now or even one year from now or even one month from now then you can also say:

          “This (stress/bad day/bad week, etc.) too, shall pass. . .”

          Oh, I know it will. It’s not even *so* bad. But the nice thing about having a big friends list is being able to ask them for cheerful distractions when you need them!

          Gotta run! Great “meeting” you via Tygerr’s friends’ page!

          You too!

          • Re: Am happy 2 do my part in cheering someone up!

            Well, I’m happy that you’re already feeling much better!

            And thanks for the other recommendations on Shaun Parkes.

            And, yes: Rocky and Bullwinkle are guaranteed to make ya smile.

            Take care!

          • Re: Another “oops–I did it again” Trudie Joplin is the name of the character & not the Brit actress

            Was reading a review of the “Miami Vice” flick and saw that the black British actress I was referring to is not named Trudie Joplin as I suggested in your post. Instead it’s Naomi-something (I wanna say Naomi Wolff,but now fear that I’m thinking of the neo-feminist author instead. . .). Anyway: she IS the chick who was the undisputed star of the movie “28 Days” and she IS amazing if you’ve never seen that film before.

            Oh: and since Tygerr has explained to me what “filk” is (I didn’t have the slightest clue. . .) maybe you can make a science fiction song off of the tune/music of “Sexyback” (see me giggle!). . .!

      • Re: Pablo Neruda’s poetry always makes me feel good and the “Sexy Back” video makes me slightly horn

        Hey, that picture’s familiar! 😀

  5. Just before reading this, I got an email saying that the software release I’ve been working on has officially happened.

    But that picture really isn’t a very good likeness of you. 🙂

  6. I’ve an excellent boss who’s teaching me the finer points of office politics and working on helping me continue to kick much keister.

    It was 71F at 6:30 this morning. *Inside.* I was almost cold. ’twas a welcome relief from it being 80+ inside and hovering about the century mark outside.

    And I’m going to get to see on Friday! W00t!

    • I have two fans at my desk — one on the floor underneath, and one on the corner, for those days that the A/C isn’t quite set cool enough for my tastes.

      Excellent bosses are a goodness beyond measure.

      Please give my regards to and his family.

  7. I passed my second cisco exan this morning, only another four to go.

    Of course the best thing in my life remains Grey_lady.

  8. I have two beagles! And they’re self-chasing, meaning I don’t have to run up and down the house to remove the ya-yas from the pre-existing beagle!

    Also, they are Teh Kyoot together. Especially when they’re disagreeing.

    • So are they managing to co-exist yet, or are they only allowed together under supervision?

      • Comme ci, comme ca … we don’t leave them alone together when we’re not in the house/awake, but that’s partly because our kitchen-door-blocking gate isn’t Boston-proof yet. :-> Plus we figure it might help him feel more secure to be kenneled at night. And his housetraining’s kind of iffy, but most dogs do have a massive ‘don’t soil the den!!’ phobia, so that seemst o be helping him keep it in his pants until morning.

  9. I go on holiday for a whole week with Teddy and Tom starting on Friday. We get to play in castles, discuss naughty things and freak out mundanes. And hopefully the weather will be co-operative, too.

    Can’t wait!

  10. One afternoon Steve went out to get some things at the store. He was gone an awfully long time. Eventually, I heard some rustling outside, so I opened the door to find him planting lovely pretties in the flower pots outside my door. The very cheery marigolds always make me smile.

  11. I snuggled with my kitty all morning before my alarm went off. It was nice.

  12. my unexpectedly-soon phone screen went horribly…..i babbled like a complete and total freak – moronish stuff.

    Have been called in for a real interview tomorrow afternoon. He’s already making comments on the second interview, then remembers to go back and say “i mean, if things go well, then we’ll….” 🙂

    Snuggling with my kids tonight, visiting family over the weekend – especially my grandpa! 🙂 Good stuff

  13. I have many friends that I trust and love. (Of which you and your wife are two of the closest.)

    I am sooooo totally in love with my wife. We have so much in common, yet still find that we can converse about the things that we don’t have in common.

    My entire family loves my new wife unreservedly.

    My wife nags me to write stories and also to buy new guitar strings and start playing again.

    I have 4 nights left of work before I start a 2 week vacation.

    It’s only 10 days to ApheliCon 2!

    Lyn’s oldest daughter is coming out from New Mexico to visit in time for Aphelicon — *And* she wants me to write the sheet music for “Redshift Sue” so that she can learn to sing it for future gigs.

    Two of Lyn & my foster daughters have already visited in the last 6 months and might visit again for Aphelicon.

    Last night Kate e-mailed an offer to “accidentally” launch a tatical nuke at the person who hacked our Lettercol last night.

    These are (only a) few of my favorite things! Good things can and do happen to good people.


    • That’s a lot of wonderful!

      THe lettercol thing is actually one of the things I’m stressed over. And work is being stress enough I’ve not ben able to work on it yet. :/

      But still, yay! And Aphelicon soon!

  14. With daily yoga stretches, I’m getting closer to being able to do the splits again, and my balance is improving dramatically!

  15. This morning I felt like having a tasty beverage. Like, I had a really strong urge for one. was starting later than usual and I was hopping a ride in, so we went through the drive-through at Second Cup and I got a Green Tea Passionfruit Chiller. It was really good! Mmm.

  16. Steamed fish in black bean sauce.

    Tandem recumbent trike ride tomorrow.

    Time with an almost-five-year-old this past weekend.

    Rereading a book that has quickly become a favorite (Sunshine). (Food and vampires 🙂

    • Tandem recumbent trike ride tomorrow.

      Oh, that sounds like fun!

      Time with an almost-five-year-old this past weekend.

      That’s such a great age! Pretty much from there up until they become surly teenagers. 🙂

      Rereading a book that has quickly become a favorite (Sunshine). (Food and vampires 🙂

      I haven’t read it. I’ll have to look for a copy. (Hrm, is that the McKinley books? Becuase if it is, we own a copy!)

      • Yes, Sunshine is a McKinley book, and it is fantastic. And yes, food and vampires–I really, really want a cinnamon roll.

        • I still want there to be recipes at the end, every time I read it….

          • I think recipes wouldn’t make a difference…Sunshine seems to be a key ingredient. 🙂

          • But then I’d get to try, anyway…

            Especially with the description of Death of Marat, which sounds like a total pain, but fun to try once.

      • Lots of fun, the trike. Alas that the owner is moving cross-country shortly…

        (I wouldn’t have anyewhere to put it, even if I could afford it. For my next home…)

  17. I’m sorry you are having a stressy time.

    I don’t have a lot to offer right now – but the spiral rib socks that I decided to wing it with are turning out pretty good so far.

    I hope things get better.

    • Rockin’ sockin’! Go you!

      They will. They’re not so bad, I’m just taking shameless advantage of my friends list to cheer myself. 🙂

  18. My disaster of an apartment now has a half-clean kitchen and, by the time I’m done today, we’ll strike “half-“.

    And, taken from the comments to a post by , today I saw the music video for “Hope Eyrie” (and have it saved, via KeepVid.

    • I’d seen that video before, and it is *quite* well done! Glad to see it up where it can get better distribution.

  19. C’s thesis and defense preparations are going really well, I’m getting actual work done on my own dissertation, and did I mention we escape L.A. in 10 days? 😉

    (And I’ve never heard the song you’re listening to, but I would loved to have had a copy of it when I lived with the psycho 😉

    • Esacape!!! Fly away! (After all, we have plans for you once you get settled in *grin*)

      I can send you an mp3 if you like. Ookla rocks! 🙂

      • Esacape!!! Fly away! (After all, we have plans for you once you get settled in *grin*)

        Indeed, and don’t think I’ve forgotten *grin* Just been busssssy.

        I can send you an mp3 if you like. Ookla rocks! 🙂

        Yes, yes, and yes!

        • Indeed, and don’t think I’ve forgotten *grin* Just been busssssy.

          Oh, I know. That was part of the arrangement, after all! 🙂

          I’ll send that mp3 when I get home. 🙂

  20. We have finally gotten our phone and internet connection back, after several days without it.

    Also, JJ has learned how to roll over from back to front, and now spends most of his conscious time flipping back and forth enthusiastically. It’s adorable. When he isn’t doing that, he’s eating his own toes, which is also adorable.

  21. Anonymous

    Yummy summer squash with home made pesto sauce… floor space in my bedroom… looking forward to camping in W.Va with David and Casey… 🙂

  22. Sharon now has THREE jobs up there in Valparaiso: one full-time and two part-time. She’s going to be One Busy Girl until the middle of August and the one at the University ends when the summer terms finish.

    The other part-tiem job is actually in her degree area: TV & video production.

    Classic case of a Day Job (at a music store) supporting her while she builds hours in Her Field working random projects.

  23. I am almost done with this frigging paper-o-doom.
    That means I will have more time for online chatting! Yay!
    🙂 Well…. a little BIT more time at least. 😉


  24. A funny thing happened on the way to the weekend…

    Sparked by newblksusan’s chant, Hysterium’s own version –
    I am calm.
    I am calm.
    I am utterly calm.
    I am totally under control.

    You have oodles of friends, and I’m thankful I’m one of them.

    Ann O.

  25. I have my car back.

  26. I’m utterly exhausted and overwhelmed, but in one week, I will be with my husband in our new home with a 4-day weekend (well, 3 if you don’t count the travel day). I can’t wait.

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