Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Oh why not…

I could have sworn I did this one, but I can’t find it, so, what the heck…..vectored from the lovely melissanmn

Since you are on my friends list, I want to know about you. Doesn’t matter if we have ever met or not, tell me any way. Come on… spread the joy. πŸ™‚ Post it to your journal to find out more about your friends too.

1.Your Middle Name:

2. Age:

3. Single or Taken:

4. Favorite Movie:

5. Favorite Song:

6. Favorite Band/Artist:

7. Dirty or Clean:

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:


1. Do we know each other outside of LJ?

2. Whats your philosophy on life?

3. Would you have my back in a fight?

4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?

5. What is your favorite memory of us?

6. Would you give me a kidney?

7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:

8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick?

9. Can we get together and make a cake?

10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately?

11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me?

12. Do you think I’m a good person?

13. Would you drive across country with me?

14. Do you think I’m attractive?

15. If you could change anything about me, would you?

16. What do you wear to sleep?

17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?

18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you?

19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?

20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you?


Classical Surf pop




  1. 1.Your Middle Name: Lynne

    2. Age: 34

    3. Single or Taken: Taken (by the barbarian hordes!)

    4. Favorite Movie: The Truth about Cats and Dogs

    5. Favorite Song: You LOVE the hard questions, don’t you… Um… I suppose James Taylor’s “Shower the People” probably is the one that most consistently sticks with me.

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Too many to count. WAY too many to count.

    7. Dirty or Clean: At this moment, quite clean πŸ™‚

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Tattoo, left side, ribcage. Pierced ears. NO INNER THIGH TATTOO REGARDLESS OF RUMORS πŸ™‚


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ?
    Yup, though it’s been too long.

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Live, let live, and more chocolate for me. πŸ™‚

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Absolutely. You had mine when I needed it most.

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? I can’t think of any secret you’d want/need kept from you, so this is sort of a non-starter…

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? The enormous hug I got the very first time we met in person you and kidnapped me.

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Sure – I’ve got a spare.

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I spent the entire summer before 7th grade playing the piano with only my left hand. (And my right one was not broken…)

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? I’d certainly help. (Sorry, some family issues at the moment make this a hard question to answer absolutely…)

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Next I can get to Atlanta, sure – but it MUST involve chocolate.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Sadly, no. I need to get back to the rumor mill. Rumors of you are always entertaining πŸ™‚

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Hrm… the answer to this is probably yes, at some time, during the height of Jedi drama; my memory is thankfully fuzzy here, but you know I love you.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? One of the best.

    13. Would you drive across country with me? If I didn’t have to do all the driving πŸ™‚ I imagine it’d be lots of fun.

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? Yup. Your taste in music alone is swoon-worthy πŸ™‚

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Nope.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? Depends on the laundry situation and my laziness level. Usually a long cotton nightshirt.

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? If you didn’t live on the moon, I’d come over lots just to hang out.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? If I weren’t married? Sure πŸ™‚

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Whatever you wanted to do πŸ™‚ (Er, wait, this is you talking… I should be careful what I say πŸ™‚

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Ok ok, sure…

  2. It’s a long, rainy afternoon here in Columbus, so what the heck. πŸ™‚

    1.Your Middle Name: Marie

    2. Age: 39

    3. Single or Taken: Poly. πŸ˜‰

    4. Favorite Movie: Hmmm….I have alot of these. Let’s say “Casablanca” for a classic, and “Hellboy” for a newish one.

    5. Favorite Song: See #4. The first one that came to me: “Always on My Mind,” the only song I really like at all that’s by Willie Nelson.

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: John Denver, the Police, Sarah McLauglin.

    7. Dirty or Clean: My mind or my body? πŸ˜‰

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Two holes in my left ear lobe; one in the right.


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yes, from OVFF and other cons.

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Mostly it’s “live and let live,” along with “don’t pick on those weaker than you. It pisses me off.”

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Sure.

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Hard to say. I really have issues w/secrets.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Group cuddle in the consuite at OVFF, I think it was.

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Maybe, if I didn’t need both of mine at the time.

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I’m left-handed.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? If I was around and you needed it, sure.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Why not? I like cake. πŸ™‚

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? No, not at all. I’m not really in any of the rumor mills, though.

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? I don’t think so, although you have come up in conversation occasionally between mutual friends.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? In general, I believe so.

    13. Would you drive across country with me? Maybe, if we were going somewhere really cool. Driving across the country would take a bit of motivation for me. πŸ™‚

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? I think you’re cute. πŸ™‚

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? I really don’t know you well enough to answer this, but I’d say, for most of my friends, that I really wouldn’t change anything about them, unless they had poor health or something like that which affects their quality of life.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? Depends. Everything from nothing to a sweatsuit.

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Sure, if GA wasn’t so far away!

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Depends on one’s defination of a date. Probably, though. Also, see #17. πŸ™‚

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? I could write down the stories you have to tell, as many as you had, so they could be preserved for your loved ones to remember you by. And, I’d cook dinner w/you (or for you).

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Maybe. Depends.

  3. 1.Your Middle Name: Marie

    2. Age: 33

    3. Single or Taken: single

    4. Favorite Movie: can’t pick one

    5. Favorite Song: depends – see above

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: umm…category? again – see above

    7. Dirty or Clean: depends? *grin*

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: 2 (anklish) / 2 (both in ears)


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? yup

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? still working on articulating that…family, friends, creativity

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? i’d _try_

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? no – that concept bothers me

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? nothing yet πŸ™‚

    6. Would you give me a kidney? if i had one to spare that you could use…otherwise, how about some blood?

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: ONE odd fact about me?

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? if i could

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? sure

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? nope

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? no

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? yup

    13. Would you drive across country with me? why not? πŸ™‚

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? yup

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? nope…unless you count proximity.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? depends on locale/weather/mood

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? sure

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? sure – love chances to hang out with friends

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? whatever YOU wanted – it’s your day

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? already did

  4. 1.Your Middle Name: Diane Rae

    2. Age: 30

    3. Single or Taken: Taken

    4. Favorite Movie: Disney’s Three Musketeers

    5. Favorite Song: I can only pick ONE?

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Edwin. Duh.

    7. Dirty or Clean: Mind? Dirty. πŸ˜›

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: One tattoo, starjewel, left shoulder. My earlobes are pierced. I took out the cart piercings because they were bugging me.


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Heh. Yes.

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Get through today, plan for tomorrow, learn from yesterday. I’m not always good at any of those three, tho.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Always.

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? No.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Getting detained at Canadian immigration makes the best story …

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Trust me, you don’t want mine. Can I have one of yours?

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: My toes are all tangled up, and make me look like I only have three toes.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? Of course.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Sure!

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Only that you’re sweet and patient and wonderful and forgiving. But I started those myself. πŸ™‚

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Maybe before I knew you, back when you were just the Great And Powerful One. But I don’t recall that.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Yes. πŸ™‚

    13. Would you drive across country with me? That’d be fun!

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? Duh.

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Yes. I would put you geographically closer to me. Because I’m greedy like that.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? teeshirt and pajama bottoms

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Yes!

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Why stop now? πŸ™‚

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Snuggle and talk.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Maybe eventually. I’m feeling quiet lately.

  5. 1.Your Middle Name: Addah.

    2. Age: 37

    3. Single or Taken: multiply taken, happily poly

    4. Favorite Movie: Dead Again or Shop Around the Corner.

    5. Favorite Song: Too hard to pick just one. Okay, for the moment, Modern Mystic, although I can’t explain why.

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Too hard to pick just one. At the moment
    I’m really fond of Seanan McGuire and the Pretty Little Dead Girl album.

    7. Dirty or Clean: I generally try to stay pretty clean, I have a
    feeling I don’t know what they mean.

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: No thank you.


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yes, albeit long-distance.

    2. What’s your philosophy on life? Do I have one? Not sure. Do the
    next thing. Try to be happy. Love, lots.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? I’m not much of a fighter.
    I’d try to help. Or maybe run to get help.

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best
    Depends on the secret. Something like a birthday surprise,
    sure. Something bigger, probably not. Much as I love surprises, I’ve invested so much in honesty.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Enjoying the housefilk at ’s house is the favorite real-world memory. Some of our chats have been good memories too.

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Yes.

    7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I get terribly nervous meeting new people, but do pretty well with stage fright.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? I’d like to, but distance makes it really problematical.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? I think it’d be lots of fun – next time you can be in DFW, drop by and we’ll make one. Chocolate. With lots of frosting.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Nah. Hey, what do I need to do to get in on the juicy-Rob-rumor-circuit? I’m missing out here.

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? No

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Yes I do.

    13. Would you drive across country with me? Sure. Road-tripping with you to a filk con would be fun. Now if we were only starting out from the same location. I’m not really on the way to OVFF, I’m afraid.

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? Yes, you’re smart and funny.

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Hm. I think you like Atlanta too much to wish you’d move. How about you suddenly become amazingly rich and can hire a private jet to go see whatever friends you feel like whenever you like?

    16. What do you wear to sleep? Sheets and a comforter

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Just as soon as we invent that teleporter, let me know what’s a good night.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if I asked you? Yes.

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? In
    that case, I think you’d have better things to do.

    20. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? I’ve been expecting that nobody I know would fill it out for me. Now that 3 of my friends have done it… maybe I will. If I do, will you?

  6. 1. Your Middle Name: Louise (*shudder*)
    2. Age: 33
    3. Single or Taken: Taken, but available (polyamorous)
    4. Favorite Movie: Heavenly Creatures
    5. Favorite Song: Too many to name
    6. Favorite Band/Artist: The Stooges
    7. Dirty or Clean: Clean
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Ears pierced, but I never wear earrings. No tattoos.


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yes, but just barely. We keep crossing paths via mutual friends.

    2. Whats your philosophy on life?
    Don’t say you don’t like anything without ever trying it to see if you honestly don’t.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight?
    Sure. πŸ™‚

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
    Maybe, it would depend on the circumstances, I suppose. I generally hate secrets though.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us?
    Hmm, there is not a large pool of memories that I can draw from just yet. It was fun hanging out with you at ‘s birthday party.

    6. Would you give me a kidney?
    Sure, I guess.

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:
    I like to dip Fritos in peanut butter.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick?
    Sure, I suppose. I am not much of a nurse, but I could keep you company.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake?
    If you’d like, I am not a baker by any stretch of the imagination, so I might just be better as company while *you* bake.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? None that I can think of.

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Nope.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Yes, from what I can tell.

    13. Would you drive across country with me? Maybe.

    14. Do you think I’m attractive?
    Honestly at the moment I am not sure that I am attracted to you (such things are slow with me), but that doesn’t mean that you are not an attractive person.

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you?
    Nothing comes to mind.

    16. What do you wear to sleep?
    Usually nothing. If it’s cold, I will wear some pajamas (usually ones with silly patterns and such).

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?
    I wouldn’t be averse to that. I am not an overly social person, but I could see it happening at some time perhaps.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Maybe! I am not sure if I like you in “that way,” but I would be willing to test the waters. Plus, we have a high match percentage on *giggle*

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
    I have no idea! I am sure we could think of something spontaneous to do if such a thing happened.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Sure!

  7. 8-and-20 Qs

    1.Your Middle Name:

    2. Age:

    3. Single or Taken:

    4. Favorite Movie:
    There are too many! Off the top of my head: “The Shawshank Redemption”, “The Princess Bride”, and “Real Genius”.

    5. Favorite Song:
    Also too many! And dependent on mood! And they change constantly! But right this second? “Don’t Dream It’s Over”, written by Neil Finn, performed by Crowded House (though the cover by Sixpence None The Richer is good too!)

    6. Favorite Band/Artist:
    One begins to see why I have so much trouble filling out my Pegasus ballot. πŸ˜‰ Um… all-time ever, probably Talking Heads.

    7. Dirty or Clean:
    My laundry? As of Monday night, clean!

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ?
    Of course. (True of everyone on my friendslist, I think.)

    2. What’s your philosophy on life?
    Not easy to summarize; a mix of principles, with an openness to learn more. Getting more cynical and less tolerant of stupidity as I become more experienced about what doesn’t work. I was raised on the concept, “Don’t behave in ways that raise the likelihood of hurting others or self,” which is mostly a good idea except that it tends to make me overly risk-averse.

    I don’t think I have one single core belief I can state easily; I work along a series of principles, guidelines, and heuristics balanced by experience, empathy, and common sense. I do have the basic belief that “direct feedback is usually good”, such that I have an appreciation for open and honest personal communication, for experimental science (one can actually find out that an idea is wrong… sort of… well, more so than in any other mode of belief), and for individual rights (large bureaucracies are not very good at making better choices for people than they can themselves, especially if people have information, freedom, and a fair playing field). “Moderation in all things, including moderation itself.” More or less.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight?
    Yes, but there’d better be a good reason. πŸ™‚

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
    If it were not my secret to tell. But I would encourage the person whose secret it was to tell, to tell you.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us?
    My entire visit to Georgia, in April 2005.

    6. Would you give me a kidney?
    I honestly don’t know. Certainly if I were the only one who could save your life, yes, but short of that… I have pondered kidney donation before, and have found myself very reluctant to lose a part of myself.

    7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
    The first time something I wrote was published in a magazine, it was translated into Finnish.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick?
    Georgia is faaaaaar.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake?
    We should get together, period.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately?

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me?

    12. Do you think I’m a good person?

    13. Would you drive across country with me?
    That’d be fun!

    14. Do you think I’m attractive?
    Not really, but then, there are virtually no guys I’ve ever thought were attractive. I can see why others would be attracted to you, though.

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you?
    Not really.

    16. What do you wear to sleep?

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?
    If I had a teleporter.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if I asked you?
    OK, where’s the hidden camera?

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
    Help you do whatever you wanted to do.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you?

    BTW, just the other day I was listening to Sugar’s “If I Can’t Change Your Mind” (your listed music for this post). I love that song. I should learn to sing/play it. Do you have chords for it?

  8. Hi there, Rob!

    I almost never do memes, but I find this one kind of intriguing. Perhaps after I’ve answered yours, I’ll post it yet again on my own list. I do note that a few of these questions seem to imply that we’re of each other’s preferred sex, which we probably aren’t. Nonetheless, there are some things to get into.

    1. My middle name. (Allan.)
    2. Age. 57 years, a month and two days.
    3. Single or taken. Taken — happily married.
    4. Favorite movie. There are so few movies that I want to see again at all that this is hard to answer. A movie called *Marie* or *Marie: A True Story* would be near the top; it features Sissy Spacek and is most definitely based on a true story. The book, *Marie: A True Story* is by Peter Maas, and if one can handle true crime at all, it is an outright grabber, and helped establish Marie Ragghianti as one of my three heroes. Others include *Gandhi* and *Star Wars.*

    5. Favorite song. Ths is even harder. Possibilities would include “Down in the Valley” (you’ll want to hear my version, as most folkies who do it at all don’t do it quite the same way I do — loosely based on the version in *Bound for Glory*, the Woody Guthrie movie); an album cut, “Free Ride,” recorded by the Illinois Speed Press in 1968 or thereabouts; another album cut, “What Became of Mary?” by Every Mother’s Son, the same time or perhaps a year earlier; “At the Edge of the World,” by Howard Ashby Kranz. I was privileged to play on the session where this was recorded. All this and heaven too?

    6. Favorite band/artist: Acoustic guitarist/songwriter Andrew Calhoun, specifically the *Walk Me to the War* and *Water Street* albums. Also up there are the Beatles (up through *Revolver*) and Stan Rogers.

    7. Dirty or clean. Not sure what this means — my mind? My body? I bathe nightly, with a few exceptions.

    8: Tattoos and/or piercings: None. Had contemplated getting a watch tattooed on my left wrist, so I would always know what time it was; finally decided against.

    Here Comes the Fun:

    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? I believe we met at a GaFilk and that is why we are on LJ together. There were seven or eight people in this category, and I’m afraid many of you kind of blur together.

    2. What’s your philosophy on life? Read John Stuart Mill’s *On Utilitarianism* — but I believe in a rather limited and self-centric utilitarianism, in which I don’t feel like spreading myself thin enough to fix all the troubles of the world. Among/amid my crowd of friends and other important people, I believe we should all pull together to make this as good for all of us as we can, and I will do my share.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? If we were somehow in a fight together, I hope I’d have the courage to keep my end going and not abandon you; but I’d prefer it if you and I could figure out together how we were both going to run for it.

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interests? I’d probably try, but eventually let it slip; like it or not, I have been in this position in the past. People who know me well will tell you I often just plain talk too much.

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? I believe we had a good time together at GaFilk, the only time we met.

    6. WOuld you give me a kidney? No. I have diabetes and my kidneys aren’t worth much, but besides that I have promised my brother that if he ever gets much sicker than I am, he can have a kidney. That would leave me with only one, which I then could not spare.

    7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you. I’ve narrowed this down to three: (1) I had seven songs copyrighted in the Buenos Aires, Argentina, copyright office before my 11th birthday. (Okay, so some of them were guitar instrumentals.) (2) As best I can count, I finished high school a year early because I’d skipped three grades and repeated two. (3) Between my 18th and 40th birthdays, I grew two inches in height.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? If we were residing in the same city, not more than 20 miles apart, I would do at least some caretaking.
    I will post this and then make the last 12 into a separate post. In a bit.

    Nate B.

  9. Numbers 9 through 20

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? I’d love to. Next time you’re in Minneapolis.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? no.

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? No. ABsolutely no way.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? I believe most people are good persons. I certainly haven’t gotten a bad vibe off your LJ.

    13. Would you drive across conutry with me? You, me, my wife Louie (an excellent driver, and very safety conscious, although lately she’s had a sore neck) and some fourth person of your choosing. I love group cross-country trips. Unfortunately, I have no idea when this could possibly take place.

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? I don’t answer this when talking to men friends, and I can’t remember what you look like.

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Well, it would be nice if you moved to Minneapolis.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? My CPAP machine, as I have sleep apnea.

    17. WOuld you come over for no reason just to hang out? If you lived within 20 miles of me, yes. Otherwise, probably not.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if I asked you? You, me, Louie and your date, as a double date, restaurant, movie, hearing a band at a club.

    19. If I had only one day to live, what would we do together? If we could pick the day, let’s make it Saturday of GaFilk, and spend 4 in the afternoon until 4 in the morning filking our hearts out.

    20. Will you repeat this so I can fill it out for you? Yes, but not today, as I have already missed a lot of work.

    This was fun, Rob. THanks for staying in touch.

    Nate B.

  10. 1.Your Middle Name: no middle name
    2. Age: 31
    3. Single or Taken:taken
    4. Favorite Movie: The Little Mermaid
    5. Favorite Song: Possession
    6. Favorite Band/Artist:Sarah Mclachlan
    7. Dirty or Clean:dirty thoughts
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:ears double pierced


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? yes
    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Just be.
    3. Would you have my back in a fight? yes
    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? no
    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Harp’s Irish Pub
    6. Would you give me a kidney? yes
    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:I can’t light a match
    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? yes
    9. Can we get together and make a cake? yes
    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? no
    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? no
    12. Do you think I’m a good person? yes
    13. Would you drive across country with me? yes
    14. Do you think I’m attractive? very dapper
    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? no
    16. What do you wear to sleep? superman pjs, ariel pjs or nekkid
    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? yes
    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? friend date
    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? anything you wanted
    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? we have been here before

  11. 1.Your Middle Name: Marie

    2. Age: 31

    3. Single or Taken: Taken

    4. Favorite Movie: The Last Unicorn

    5. Favorite Song: I’m determined to answer with a different one each time I fill out this survey. How about: “Theif” by Our Lady Peace

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Coheed and Cambria

    7. Dirty or Clean: Clean

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Just ears pierced


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? yes

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Live and Let Live

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? I’m a wimp, I don’t know that you would want me to have your back!

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? I’m not a big secret keeper

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? I remeber moving ‘s belongings into a big crate. Oddly, I had much fun that day.

    6. Would you give me a kidney? probably

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I like brussell sprouts, but not may other veggies.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? sure

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? I like cake

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Nope

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Nope

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? why, yes!

    13. Would you drive across country with me? I love to travel

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? yes

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? no

    16. What do you wear to sleep? um…nothing…

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? oh, absolutely

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? No, but not for any negative reason.

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? How about a game of Munchkin

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? I already postd it!

  12. INTRO
    1] Katherine
    2] 58
    3] taken
    4] not really that into movies
    5] “Love Song” by Alan Jay Lerner
    6] Michael Longcor
    7] not sure what the question means
    8] none
    I’m going to have to come back to this; supper is ready

      1] yes
      2] There’s more things I regret not having done than HAVING done
      3] most likely
      4] yes
      5] My Filk
      6] yes
      7] I was born in Orville Reddenbacher’s home town
      8] yes
      9] definitely. And it will come out of the pan in one piece, too.
      10] no
      11] no
      12] yes
      13] yes
      14] moderately
      15] I really don’t know you well enough to have your flaws spotted
      16] t-shirts and scrub slacks
      17] yeah
      18] n/a: we’re both married
      19] throw a filk jam
      20] okay

  13. 1.Your Middle Name: Alexander Jesus
    2. Age: 34
    3. Single or Taken: Yes
    4. Favorite Movie: Back to the Future
    5. Favorite Song: many
    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Duran Duran
    7. Dirty or Clean: House? Clean. Mind? dirty
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: You’ve inspected me. =)


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yup
    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Ad astra, per aspera
    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Always
    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? It would take a LOT of convincing
    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Latest one would be your admission of having well over 250Gb of video I want.
    6. Would you give me a kidney? Yup
    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I found feta-stuffed olives and I can not get enough!
    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? Definitely
    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Sure!
    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Not that I’m aware of…
    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? I’m not completely sure what that means, so I’ll say no.
    12. Do you think I’m a good person? You’re brilliant, gentle, and kind
    13. Would you drive across country with me? Sure!
    14. Do you think I’m attractive? Yes, in a cute scruffy kinda way
    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? Nope
    16. What do you wear to sleep? nothing
    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Totally, and we need to
    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Was that time at Aqua Blue a date?
    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Eat, drink and be merry
    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? already did!

  14. Since you are on my friends list, I want to know about you. Doesn’t matter if we have ever met or not, tell me any way. Come on… spread the joy. πŸ™‚ Post it to your journal to find out more about your friends too.

    1.Your Middle Name: Joyce

    2. Age: 54

    3. Single or Taken: Happily Taken

    4. Favorite Movie: Anything with either Robin WIlliams or Katharine Hepburn

    5. Favorite Song: Too many to even try to single out one

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Yes, Genesis, Five for Fighting,

    7. Dirty or Clean: Yes

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Pierced ears


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Yes

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Live and enjoy.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Yes

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Probably not. Secrets usually create more problems than they are worth

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Hanging out with you, Larissa, and Gwen when I was in Atlanta

    6. Would you give me a kidney? If I have one to spare and the types match

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: Few folks think of me as more than a slightly ditzy non-blonde, but I am much more complex than that.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? Sure, if I was in the vicinity

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Sure. Why not?

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Try not to listen to rumors.

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Nope.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Yep.

    13. Would you drive across country with me? I would, indeed, assuming Larissa either accompanies us or has no objections.

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? Yeah

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? No

    16. What do you wear to sleep? As little as possible

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Sure

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Possibly

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Whatever you wanted to that I could afford.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Done.

  15. 1.Your Middle Name: Kelly

    2. Age: 37

    3. Single or Taken: married

    4. Favorite Movie: urg.

    5. Favorite Song: double urg.

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: these kinds of questions are why I usually don’t do these. πŸ™‚

    7. Dirty or Clean: sanitized for your protection?

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: butterfly on my right ankle, pierced ears, nothing more exotic


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? You might say so!

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? If you do the most good and the least harm you can, it doesn’t matter whose name you’re doing it in.

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Absolutely, but I’d be keeping an eye open for a way for us both to bug out!

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? I hate it when people keep secrets and do things they know I’d object to “for my own good”. Even so… depends on the secret, and why. I’m not good at it though – I spilled the beans on what I planned for your birthday way too early!

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? You want me to pick ONE?

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Sure, but looks like you’ll have some spares from all those everyone else has offered! Perhaps I should be asking you for one or two?

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I have a scalloped tongue.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? I always have, haven’t I? πŸ™‚

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Sure! This weekend?

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? I heard a rumor you were too cute for your own good! (Oh wait, I think I started that one!)

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Um, don’t think so…. I have complained about you on occasion, but I don’t think ever behind your back.

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Would not have married you otherwise!

    13. Would you drive across country with me? What, again?

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? *evil grin* Ahem! “This one goes to eleven!”

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? I would make you healthier and happier in and with your own body.

    16. What do you wear to sleep? Of all people to be asking me this…. you, mostly.

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Well, I kinda did, and just never moved back out!

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Any where, any time, love.

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? It wouldn’t matter what, just who with.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Already did. πŸ™‚

  16. 1.Your Middle Name: Leigh

    2. Age: 30

    3. Single or Taken: Mostly Taken

    4. Favorite Movie: ARGH! multiple way tie on this one: RHPS, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, virtually any Mel Brooks, virtually any Monty Python

    5. Favorite Song: varies with mood, but at the moment “Somebody” by Depeche Mode

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: give me a break here, man! There are FAR too many to even TRY to pick

    7. Dirty or Clean: at the moment? Delightfully dirty

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: one tattoo on outer upper left thigh, two earrings in left ear, one in right


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? alas, thusfar only telephonically

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? if you don’t keep going, you’ll never get anywhere

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? I’m a lover, not a fighter. But, for you, heck yeah

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? with difficulty

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? you saving my sanity for so many hours back in May (for which I will owe you for eternity)

    6. Would you give me a kidney? if I were a good tissue match for you, certainly

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: I can wiggle my ears and my nose

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? of course, were I within range to do so

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? HECK YEAH

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? nopers

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? nopers

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? yes, one of the bestest I know

    13. Would you drive across country with me? provided I could find a babysitter (no way in hades I’m taking that kid on a cross country drive)

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? yep. you have a beautiful spirit and a kind heart and a nicely functional brain… that’s pretty darned attractive IMHO

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? nope. then you wouldn’t be you (‘cept maybe the sinus thing since that seems to give you trouble)

    16. What do you wear to sleep? depends entirely upon with whom I happen to be and the situation. mostly been a cotton chemise lately

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? sure, if it weren’t so blasted far

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? but of course

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? whatever you like

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? but of course:) I need content *gigglesnort*

  17. 1.Your Middle Name: Howard

    2. Age: 43

    3. Single or Taken: Single

    4. Favorite Movie: Silent Running

    5. Favorite Song: None at the moment

    6. Favorite Band/Artist: No favorites

    7. Dirty or Clean: Clean

    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Nope, im happy with the number of holes and body blemishes I was born with.


    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? We briefly met at OVFF a few years ago

    2. Whats your philosophy on life? Never give up hope

    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Sure (If I remember right, you are bigger them me so I would be happy to hide behind … ummm …. back you up)

    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Sure (I would probably forget it after a hour or so anyway)

    5. What is your favorite memory of us? Only of that brief meeting at OVFF

    6. Would you give me a kidney? Only if I didnt still need mine or had a spare. (I realy should clean out that back room)

    7. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: Im related to Bardiclug, cant get anything odder then that.

    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? Sure, you gotta have some good games over there.

    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Surrre….. Heh, you obviously have never have eaten my cooking.

    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Nope

    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Nope

    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Sure, your a gamer

    13. Would you drive across country with me? ROAD TRIP!!

    14. Do you think I’m attractive? For a guy, your not ugly and you didnt smell…….. wait, this is where I say “Its whats inside that counts” right?

    15. If you could change anything about me, would you? You seem ok the way you are

    16. What do you wear to sleep? Boxers with flameing chilli peppers on them (Its amazing what one can find on sale when they put effort into it)

    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Sure…. ummmm …..specialy around lunch, dinner or game time.

    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? Whoa, first you wanna hang out, then you wanna date?? This is moving way to fast.

    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Hang out, relax and do whatever you felt like.

    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? Sure

  18. 1.Your Middle Name: Frances
    2. Age: 40
    3. Single or Taken: I don’t like ‘taken’…how about ‘attached’?
    4. Favorite Movie: Can vary, but Stargate is an enduring favorite.
    5. Favorite Song: Ah, varies even more than Q4, but Stan Rogers’ House of Orange would be near the top of any list.
    6. Favorite Band/Artist: Varies again, but currently, Matt and Shannon Heaton- Celtic duo out of Boston.
    7. Dirty or Clean: My house? Still filled with construction debris. I dream of clean.
    8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Pierced ears.

    1. Do we know each other outside of LJ? We’ve met, but I can’t say we know each other.
    2. Whats your philosophy on life? What goes around, comes around. So I try to be the kind of person I’d like to have for a friend.
    3. Would you have my back in a fight? Probably. Would depend on who we were fighting and why.
    4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Depends. Are we talking omission or commission? I wouldn’t repeat anything I thought was hurtful or mean. I also wouldn’t repeat something told to me in confidence. But I wouldn’t lie, either. I don’t approve of lying.
    5. What is your favorite memory of us? My favorite memory of you is hearing you perform your LOTR filk of Cat Faber’s tune whose name escapes me right now. Can’t remember more than a brief intro in real life.
    6. Would you give me a kidney? I hope I would if you needed it. But I’ve never had to make that kind of choice, so I don’t know for sure.
    7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I once lobbied Congress on space policy issues.
    8. Would you take care of me when I’m sick? I doubt it. You live what, 800 miles away? If you were visiting, sure.
    9. Can we get together and make a cake? Absolutely. I love cake! Speaking of which, how was K’s layer cake? Did she finally get it out intact?
    10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? Nope.
    11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? Don’t know any.
    12. Do you think I’m a good person? Can’t say of my own experience, but I’m willing to trust Kitanzi’s judgement here. Yes.
    13. Would you drive across country with me? Assuming I had the time and a bunch of other unlikely things, sure.
    14. Do you think I’m attractive? It’s been a long time since I saw you in person, and it’s not the first thing I think about when meeting new people. So actually, I have no idea.
    15. If you could change anything about me, would you?
    I’d wish you had enough income to visit your friends and attend filk conventions whenever you were so inclined.
    16. What do you wear to sleep? Situationally dependant.
    17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Again positing time and other unlikely conditions- sure.
    18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? No, see Q4 regarding attachments. Hang out, join you for a meal somewhere, chat at a con- sure.
    19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? Anything you wanted to do that I could and was willing to help with.
    20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you?
    No. I’d actually be interested to read your answers, but I’d prefer not to initiate something terribly time-consuming in my own journal…Just don’t have a ton of time at the moment… speaking of which, gotta go—

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