This morning, our cat Dayna (seen in my userpic) was being very annoying. kitanzi finally got fed up and this conversation ensued:
kitanzi: Dayna, stop it. You’re obnoxious!
autographedcat: And disliked.
kitanzi: You know that’s true.
autographedcat: Yes, I do.
kitanzi: And apparently historical.
Dear lord, our cat is the reincarnation of John Adams.
Mmm. You do recall, I hope, that the obnoxious-and-disliked one was also right…
Shhhh, she might hear you!
Rob Wynne
True. On the other hand, if she’s the one to do it, we’ll drive our quill pens through it.
Obviously, someone ought to open up a window and let the cat out.
Seeing as we’re not actually annoyed enough with her to kill her (or let the idiots roaring around the parking lot do it), no.
I didn’t know you were in Philadelphia…
Rob Wynne
We’d go, but it’s hot as hell there.
(I’ve actually never been to Philadelphia. I had breakfast in Bell Mawr, NJ once, just the other side of the state line from it, but I haven’t had the occaision to visit it (or indeed, the entire state of PA. I once did that meme where you mark the states you’d visited in red, and I had PA surrounded, but had never gotten inside. *grin*)
“For God’s sake, John, SIT DOWN!” 🙂 🙂 🙂
Are you saying you have the cat who is always the first in line to be hanged?
Well, she’s working on it. Microwaved may be more likely.
Heh… she can join the one that I was considering making into stew last night.
I threaten to flush her down the toilet on a regular basis, but does she believe me? Nooooooo……
Mine don’t believe similar threats from me, either.
I’m not quite sure why…
* looks at array of sleeping cats scattered around her on the sofa *
Nope… don’t understand it at all…
I’ve gathered most of the reference from context of the replies, but….what is the actual John Adams story here?
Rob Wynne
Context is singing about the Declaration of Independance:
It should be noted that our only source for this is Adams himself, years after the fact. Jefferson, in his autobiography, denies that he (or anyone else) said it. McCullough’s biography of Adams indicates that the only person who ever spoke ill of Adams’ behavior in Congress, then or later, was Adams.
“our cat is the reincarnation of John Adams.”
Cat, singular? I thought you guys had two cats. Assuming so, who is your other cat the reincarnation of? Abigail? Maybe you could rename your cats Salt and Peter, or Pins and Needles? 🙂
Ann O.
Dunno, but she’s clearly a mutant bunnyrabbit in a very good disguise. Who might that make her? Alice’s White Rabbit?
Rob Wynne
Go ask Alice. I think she’ll know.
Thanks! I needed a good snortle.
Ann O.
Doesn’t need to vote for independancy … already there!
Rob Wynne
I say vote meow! Vote meow! Vote for Independanc-meow!