Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Weekend Review

Despite being a bit loopy from painkillers due to my recent fall, I managed to have a pretty fun weekend.

Saturday morning, kitanzi went out to do the weekly grocery shopping, and brought home a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. This was pretty much how I picked up my copy of Half Blood Prince, too: avoid the midnight madness and grab a copy in passing at a non-book store. Unfortunately, I didn’t get as much reading on it as I’d have liked, because the first time I tried to sit down with it I was having trouble concentrating. I’m currently about a third of the way through it, and actively avoiding spoiler discussions until I finish, hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

Early Saturday morning, our new washing machine and dryer arrived! I have to give major props to Best Buy, who made the entire transaction, from purchase to delivery to installation, about as painless as one could want. The new machine sure extremely spiffy, and have lots of features and functions that we’re not yet exactly sure what they’re really for, but I’m sure we’ll have fun figuring them out. The first test for the washer was the pair of jeans that I got muddied up when I fell down the hill. They came out as good as new. We’re officially impressed.

Saturday night, we went to joyeuse13 and abovenyquist‘s housefilk near Brookhaven. We hadn’t seen them in far too long, so it was doubly nice that it was at their house. We also had some special guests from far away, with janeg and shaddyr both visiting from various parts of Canada, and our own bedlamhouse making a rare local appearance before shaking the Georgia clay from his boots en route to the Midwest. And of course, many of the usual suspects were there, including sffilk, filkferengi, mrpsyclops and his daughter, J., and spambrian. I was limited by not having my filkbooks with me (they’re in a box somewhere), and I’m afraid I wasn’t in very good form, but I did have a good time. I remember playing Richard Shindell’s “The Next Best Western” and, during a run of Canadian folk/filk, Sam Baardman’s “Down To The River”, which I at least had memorized and thus didn’t need to fumble for words to play. Oh, and I did my own “Sauron” during a small run of Tolkien filk, which was fun. We ended up leaving slightly early, around 11pm, because kitanzi was driving and wanted to get home before she was too tired to drive safely.

Sunday, we went over to the old apartment to get most of the last odds and ends out of the place. kitanzi packed stuff in the car while I set about the place with a can of Spackle, patching the holes in the drywall from where we’d mounted shelves. We’ll be going back over this afternoon after work so I can sand them down, and we can haul the last of the trash down to the tip. The house cleaners will come in on Wednesday to give it the last polish, and then we’ll turn the keys in and that will close the book on my time at The Wellington.

We spent most of the rest of the weekend at home. Watched the last of the season 3 Doctor Who Confidentials, chatted to folks on the Internet, and I played a fair amount of World of Warcraft, which was about as much attention span as I had for any one task, anyway. I just hit level 58 with my hunter, and made me first proper trip into the Outlands.

How was your weekend?


Injury Update


Musical Discombobulation


  1. Read HP7, bought a barebones system to replace the desktop I killed (I think I cracked the MB trying to get the CPU cooler off) and have just (within the past hour or so) closed the case up, with both original hard drives in place and running, and all backed up (crudely via copy; I’ll want to redo it using Acronis TrueImage) to the external HD.

    Now to work on exactly one hour of sleep.

  2. You seemed in good form to me! I was thinking how nice it must be to be so relaxed on guitar. Glad yo got home safely.

    I muddled up the bridge on Tea At Four and lost the rhythm entirely on Pierre and Marianne (though some seemed to like my added verse). Adult Situations came out as well as I can do it – with hardly anyone in the room, natch. I was surprised that I’ll Remember sounded reasonably OK without Phil on guitar. I was energized by the room and could have kept singing all night I think. You can find Adult Situations at Filk Archive; all his songs sound much better done by him and with guitar.

  3. The Piece Of The Machine

    Congratulations on the upcoming demise of your old digs. 🙂

    “lots of features and functions that we’re not yet exactly sure what they’re really for”

    Um, good luck? Chosen One and I go for KISS on such things, with as little (or preferably no) electronics as possible.

    Ann O.

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