Since one of the normal AD&D group was away this week, and because we’re about to start a new campaign, we ended up playing Space Munchkin this week. I won, looking for trouble against a level 1 Janibot and there really wasn’t much anyone could do about it.
Best moment of the night: making three consecutive runaway rolls to escape the Space Vampire, his clone, and the wandering Great Cthulhu. Yeep!
Best exchange.
Dave: I go looking for trouble against the Space Amazons. I’m beating her by five.
Me: (plays card) Sadly, there are no more Space Amazons. She’s the last of her race. You’re now losing by 5.
Dave: (plays card) But she’s misunderstood. That gives her -5.
Me: So you’re tied. She wins ties.
Dave: (examining hand) (deadpan) Oh well.
(break as everyone else falls out laughing)
Dave: So, what’s the bad stuff
Me: (still laughing) You get sodomized by the Space Amazon. You get sodomized by the Last of the Misunderstood Space Amazons!
I love a game where “Last of the Misunderstood Space Amazons” has a useful context.