Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Oh yes

I’d been hoping against hope for this news, and for once I got exactly what I wanted:

I can’t *wait* to see a full season of Moffat produced Doctor Who.


RIP Lois Mangan


DEFENSIVE PERIMETER: The end of the module


  1. “Steven Moffat says: “My entire career has been a Secret Plan to get this job. I applied before but I got knocked back ‘cos the BBC wanted someone else. Also I was seven.”

    How great is THAT? Awesome.

  2. Yeah, that news is absolutely deserving of the dance!

    (Now, I silently lobby for Jack Davenport as the new Doctor, when David Tennant decides he’s done…)

  3. OH YAY! *bounce bounce bounce*

  4. Moffat’s résume of Who stories makes him sound like the Chris “Boogeyman” Ruppenthal of BBC Wales. (Ruppenthal was known for writing some of the scariest eps of Quantum Leap back in the day, including one where Sam meets a young kid named Stevie King…and his dog Cujo.) Still, if Davies has to leave, at least it seems the best possible successor got the nod.

  5. Certainly most all of the Who fans I know are pleased by this news. 🙂

    Btw, the email addy that you use for YGs is in soft bouncing mode. JSYK.

    • That’s odd. It shouldn’t be. I’ll check on it.

      I still owe you a copy of Power of the Daleks. Let me know when you’d like to collect it.

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