(I don’t have a filter for locals folks, so feel free to skip this if you’re not in the Atlanta area)
So, the last couple months have been pretty low turnout for movie night. Having said that, we really are hoping to keep the tradition going.
See, I finally unwaffled on buying that new TV. So we have a *really* nice screen to watch movies on now. Our gaming group screened “Raiders of the Lost Ark” last week, in preparation for going out as a group to see Indy 4 *next* week, and it’s just so nice.
So, next Wednesday is our monthly open house movie night, and we’d love to have you come over. As usual, there will be some baked goods, some good conversation, and an interesting movie to watch and discuss. If you need directions, or have any questions, or just want to let us know you’ll be there, leave a comment or email me.
Hope to see you there!
We are planning on being there with Z!
Rob Wynne
Yay!! I’m looking forward to meeting him!
Speaking of, have you heard of a book called World War Z? *grin*
Good people, good food, good movies and a new TV. Nice.
I saw Indy 4 and Iron Man over the weekend. I liked them.
Rob Wynne
If you ever find yourself in the neighborhood, let us know.
I still haven’t seen Iron Man. We’re going to Indy 4 next Tuesday.