Oddest response a girl has ever given me to an overture of affection, ever:
“Well, if you were more like a scorpid…”
ETA: Perhaps its just that kind of day. Someone I’m actually dating just said to me: “If I were an alien wasp, I would totally use your flesh to nurture my young.” Which is really very sweet, when you think about it.
Rob Wynne
Honestly, context is probably best left as an exercise to the reader. 🙂
Um, what kind of response does one give to THAT?
Rob Wynne
I believe I said “Oh, fine, then!”
Then you’d make that fascinating clattery gutteral noise they make!!
Rob Wynne
Looks like kifish to me. Kkkkkkkkkkkkk!
It rather does.
I think Rob would make a far better hani. Although personality might be closer to mahendo’sat.
Ok, I had to go look that one up.
Umm, yeah, nothing like being compared to a dog-sized scorpion to brighten one’s day?
Rob Wynne
Re: Scorpid?
It certainly has the benefit of novelty.
Yeah, that latter compliment sounds positively romantic in its way!
Rob Wynne
It does, doesn’t it? It’s an odd way to start a conversation, but that’s one of the many reasons I love her so. 🙂
In grad school I knew a woman called Desi; it was short for Desmid. Her mother was a biologist.
Rob Wynne
Was she terribly symmetrical?
No, nor fearfully either. She was reasonably good-looking. Also married and a parent, as was I. Friends.
I wonder who -that- might have been 😉 -H…
Rob Wynne
Which one?
(The second one is likely obvious. The first not so much. *grin*)
Oh MAN 🙂
There is statements in this world that you just *glance* at, and you immediately KNOW who said that.
The second one is one of them.
I’m not sure if it’s more worisome that I /think/ I can identify the person you are dating who said the second quote or that I’m not absolutely certain of it.