From today’s random lunchtime conversation with eloren:
- eloren:
- Shall we go?
- autographedcat:
- Nah, let’s stay here for the rest of the day.
- eloren:
- I agree with you in prinicple. In reality…
- autographedcat:
- Reality bites.
- eloren:
- Yes, it does
- autographedcat:
- Reality bites. Sounds like an appetiser. <announcer voice> New, Reality Bites. Small nuggets of reality, breaded and deep fried, and served with a dipping sauce.
- eloren:
- I’m not sure what you’re selling, but I don’t want any.
- autographedcat:
- But the sauce is awesomesauce.
- eloren:
- I was hoping it would be the tears of my enemies.
- autographedcat:
- The tears of our enemies is one of the primary ingredients of awesomesauce.
- eloren:
- Oh, well, that’s ok then.
- autographedcat:
- If you didn’t mix in the tears of our enemies, it would be awesomepaste.
- eloren:
- And that’s not appetising at all.
I adore eloren. Just sayin’
On a tangent from “reality bites”, I wonder if you were ever introduced to History Bites.
Rob Wynne
I have not been! Thanks!
Somehow, I’d be expecting you to reply with just “Yes, let’s go”
I have been saying “awesome with awesome sauce” a ridiculous amount lately, and I am thrilled to hear that it contains the tears of my enemies.
Can I send back my Reality Bites ™ and get an order of Sound Bites?
Ah, but did you have Cold Ones with the Awesomesauce? Ones that are not cold are not Ones at all.