I’ve done this one before, years ago. Wandering through old entires, I came across it, and thought I’d post it again.
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
My strongest memories of you are you listening and caring for me in times of difficulty.
I’m a bit to intro-verty at the mo’ to post this in my El J though.
Sitting in your house and watching Firefly for the first time
You totally stole mine!
Ok, meeting you for the first time at Quinze (I think it was Quinze) and sitting talking in the hotel.
Mmm… there’s visiting with you & your lady in your old place. There’s that massage. There’s you in the opening quiz thing at GaFilk.
First and foremost, though, there’s the lovely feeling of being safely and lovingly enfolded in your excellent hugs, which always feels a little bit like being hugged by a dad, ’cause you’re so tall.
I remember dancing with you at my first GaFilk, and just *beaming* at one another. It was so much fun!
The hug you gave me the first time we met.
It was big, warm, and deliciously sincere.