Local boy paid to blow stuff up – MontereyHerald.com ::
When he was young, Tory Belleci would decorate his Monterey home for Halloween with severed limbs and human statues that would come alive to frighten trick-or-treaters.
Fourth of July was also a big holiday, when Tory and his father Andy Belleci would glue fireworks to wooden planks that shot off sparks and flares in all directions.
But one special-effects stunt involving explosives nearly landed Belleci in jail — and when he got a second chance, he wound up having success in television on the show “MythBusters.”
Good article, but I’m amused by the line about how his attempt to jump a bike over a toy wagon didn’t make it onto the show. It wasn’t a myth, but it has to get more airtime than any other clip except maybe Adam sticking his lip into the vacuum cleaner motor!
..and it still makes us crack up and rewind and watch it again EVERY SINGLE TIME they show it. It never stops being funny.
And each time the complete wonderment that he wasn’t hurt at all. I watch, I laugh, but I wince.
Heh. Cool.
Reminds me I either need to put Mythbusters on my Amazon Wish List, in my Netflix queue, or both. The only time I seem to get around to seeing it is when I’m on business trips. It tends to be the only thing on TV worth watching when I’m unwinding in my hotel room and channel-surfing.