Gwnewch y pethau bychain

From Twitter 10-04-2010

  • 08:14:23: Saw the first two episodes of “Leverage” last night. Just what I needed, another TV show to be hooked on. 🙂
  • 11:44:20: @vixy I have it. Did you need it?
  • 11:57:38: RT @RyanNewYork: RT @ajacobthompson: 74 banned #books available for free download in honor of Banned Books Week
  • 11:59:32: @paulapoundstone That’s pretty much just like following what’s going on in Congress on any given week.

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LINK: You just broke your child. Congratulations.


Scientists Uncover New Language in Himalayas


  1. ya know leverage – I just can’t get into it. I want to, and so many people love it, I can’t figure out what I’m missing ….

    • Well, not everyone can like everything, of course. I’m a huge fan of heist films and undercover/spy stuff, so I like this for much of the same reasons I like White Collar,.

      I like the characters, and particularly the interaction between them. I like the cons being set in motion and executed. I like the general concept of “we’re going to stick it to people that need to have it stuck to and normally cannot be enstickled.

      The show is basically Ocean’s Eleven meets The A-Team, and that’s quite all right with me. 🙂

      • well I think you know I LOVE White Collar.

        And I DO like the interactions between the characters on Leverage – especially Parker and just about anybody.

        But the cons leave me cold, mostly because the people they con seem so stupid – and to me there doesn’t seem to be any achievement in conning stupid people. And for a while i liked the “we’re going to stick it to people that need to have it stuck to and normally cannot be enstickled.” – but then it seemed like they were trying too hard for it to always be those folks who needed to be stuck.

        I feel like I can see the show it wants to be, but just isn’t for *me*. Clearly it is for LOTS of people.

        I’ll just stay in my corner and cuddle White Collar re-runs until the next season is on. 🙂

        • Well, bear in mind I’ve seen, to date, precisely 3 episodes. So maybe it’ll not hold up. Couldn’t say.

          But for now, I am loving it. (I also like the way they play with (and against) stereotypes. The street-talkin’ black dude is the Internet/computer specialist, and the tough muscle bruiser is a gormet chef. *shrug*)

          But, like I said, not everyone has to like everything. I’m liking this, and it makes me happy. So would cuddling up with you and your White Collar re-runs. 🙂

          • Sorry, do not want to make you feel defensive for liking a show. Sometimes I find it hard to express those kinds of things without being uhm ….. strident.

            Cuddling and White Collar sounds lovely!

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