I love a good quotation, because a good quotation is a concentration of thought, whether profound or humorous. I keep an extensive quotes file of things that have struck me as worth reading over from time to time, as many others I know do.
So today, I was over at the excellent Making Light blog. I read ML regularly, but I generally do so via RSS, so I don’t often find myself on their actual webpage. But today, I was, and a quote in the sidebar caught my eye and literally made me catch my breath.
“Forgiveness requires giving up on the possibility of a better past.” (unknown)
Now, this is nothing I didn’t already know, and its even something I’ve tried to express in the past. But I’d never seen it put so elegantly and succinctly.
That is amazingly well said. I know a lot of pain that would be alleviated if people could take that as a mantra.
Thank you.
I like this a lot. It’s something I’ve been working through for a while now. Thanks for posting this!
very well said indeed.