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Month: September 2011

What makes me laugh? (A small sampler)

So, I solicited people to select some questions for me to answer, and I’ve (as usual) been procrastinating. But I do intend to answer them all, so here’s the first one, courtesy of tigerbright:

20. Five words/phrases that make me laugh.

These probably are funnier if you know what they’re from, but just for giggles, I’m not going to identify them. This is hardly an exhaustive list. It is merely a small sampling of phrases that are typical of the sort which are prone to make me laugh.

1. They say of the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is…

2. Look, it’s the four pillars of the male heterosexual psyche. We like: naked women, stockings, lesbians, and Sean Connery best as James Bond. Because that is what being a bloke is.

3. The huge yellow spaceships hung in the air in exactly the same way that bricks don’t.

4. If it can be conceived as music, it can be executed as music, and presented to an audience in such a way that they will perceive it as music: “Look at this. Ever seen one of these before? I built this for you. What do you mean, ‘What the fuck is it?’ It’s a goddam ETUDE, asshole.

5. Have fun being Under Construction. After sex and ripe French cheeses, it’s one of the best things life has to offer.

You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers (meme)

For a cloudy day with the first promise of autumn (via browngirl and tigerbright and bercilakslady)

Leave me a comment with the corresponding number(s) and (within
reason, and very briefly) I'll tell you:

1. Five ways to my heart.
2. Something I feel strongly about.
3. A book I love.
4. Things I want to say to an ex.
5. Five pet peeves.
6. What I ate today.
7. How important I think education is.
8. I'll put my music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play.
9. Five people whom I find attractive.
10. My opinion about my body and how comfortable I am with it.
11. What I wore today.
12. My zodiac/horoscope and if I think it fits my personality.
13. Something I always think "what if…" about.
14. Something that I'm proud of.
15. A problem I have had.
16. Five items I lust after.
17. My fears.
18. How I hope my future will be like.
19. Something that I miss.
20. Five words/phrases that make me laugh.
21. Something I'm currently worrying about.
22. Things I like and dislike about myself.
23. A quote I try to live by.
24. Somewhere I'd like to move to or visit.
25. Five weird things that I like.
26. One thing I'm excited for.
27. Responders choice. (i.e. something not already on this list.)

Final 2011 Pegasus Awards Ballot online

Well, the nominations have been counted, and the final ballot has been prepared. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 Pegasus Ballot awaits:

And my, what a ballot we have. Perhaps I’m a romantic, but this is one bad-ass ballot. I could not compose a better one, at least not one that would perform as well. Truly, this ballot represents the best filk has to offer, and is destined to be a classic.

All that is left, dear friends, is for you to go and vote. In order to make sure you can evaluate every single song, composer, and performer nominated, sound samples are available right there on the ballot page. So go, listen, and vote your favourites.

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