Gwnewch y pethau bychain

You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers (meme)

For a cloudy day with the first promise of autumn (via browngirl and tigerbright and bercilakslady)

Leave me a comment with the corresponding number(s) and (within
reason, and very briefly) I'll tell you:

1. Five ways to my heart.
2. Something I feel strongly about.
3. A book I love.
4. Things I want to say to an ex.
5. Five pet peeves.
6. What I ate today.
7. How important I think education is.
8. I'll put my music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play.
9. Five people whom I find attractive.
10. My opinion about my body and how comfortable I am with it.
11. What I wore today.
12. My zodiac/horoscope and if I think it fits my personality.
13. Something I always think "what if…" about.
14. Something that I'm proud of.
15. A problem I have had.
16. Five items I lust after.
17. My fears.
18. How I hope my future will be like.
19. Something that I miss.
20. Five words/phrases that make me laugh.
21. Something I'm currently worrying about.
22. Things I like and dislike about myself.
23. A quote I try to live by.
24. Somewhere I'd like to move to or visit.
25. Five weird things that I like.
26. One thing I'm excited for.
27. Responders choice. (i.e. something not already on this list.)


Final 2011 Pegasus Awards Ballot online


What makes me laugh? (A small sampler)


  1. You said number(s), right? Implies multiples are an option? *ponders how many I could get away with*


    it’s like trying to pick a favorite book or song

  2. 4… and 25 if you’ll allow a second one.

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