So, I solicited people to select some questions for me to answer, and I’ve (as usual) been procrastinating. But I do intend to answer them all, so here’s the first one, courtesy of tigerbright:
20. Five words/phrases that make me laugh.
These probably are funnier if you know what they’re from, but just for giggles, I’m not going to identify them. This is hardly an exhaustive list. It is merely a small sampling of phrases that are typical of the sort which are prone to make me laugh.
1. They say of the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is…
2. Look, it’s the four pillars of the male heterosexual psyche. We like: naked women, stockings, lesbians, and Sean Connery best as James Bond. Because that is what being a bloke is.
3. The huge yellow spaceships hung in the air in exactly the same way that bricks don’t.
4. If it can be conceived as music, it can be executed as music, and presented to an audience in such a way that they will perceive it as music: “Look at this. Ever seen one of these before? I built this for you. What do you mean, ‘What the fuck is it?’ It’s a goddam ETUDE, asshole.
5. Have fun being Under Construction. After sex and ripe French cheeses, it’s one of the best things life has to offer.
I happened to encounter the first one quite recently, and number three is obvious, but I can’t place the others.
I would be particularly surprised if #2 wasn’t from an episode of Coupling.
I am one of the few people who didn’t particularly enjoy Coupling.
Rob Wynne
I’ve only met one person who actively disliked it. (I had been unaware of your opinion prior to this, and I couldn’t say how strong it is.)
But that’s ok. We cannot all like the same things.
Rob Wynne
You will not be particularly surprised.
Rob Wynne
The last one isn’t likely to be placed by anyone, as it’s something that someone said to someone else in an LJ comment and got snarfed into my quotes file.
#3 is hysterical unless it is uttered with complete sincerity, as did when we saw the Delta Clipper test footage at ConFrancisco in 1993. In that specific context, it was poetry.
Rob Wynne
I mostly like that particular turn of phrase because it so neatly demonstrates what was so marvellous about Adams’s distinctly askew view of the world.
1. You are such a boy.
2. You are such an ELEVEN-year-old boy.
3. *g*
4. I don’t know about making me laugh, but definitely thinky. *adds The Real Frank Zappa Book to Amazon wishlist*
5. All of the Google searches on this quote come back to you.
Rob Wynne
1. I think you knew that.

years upon years ago, and I liked it enough to snarf it for my file.
2. You flatter me. I usually estimate about 10.
4. It has the benefit of being both funny and thinky. A lot of Zappa’s work is like that.
5. According to my quotes file, it was originally said by Molly Tomlinson. I distinctly remember it was from an LJ comment made to