I had been doing a pretty good job of rebooting my blog back in June, but I fell off again for a variety of reasons. The early part of July was a pretty bad time for a number of reasons, some inside my head and some outside.1 I went to Nerdtacular in Salt Lake City for the second year in a row, and I had a good time;  the following several weekends were taken up with a variety of out-of-town visitors, which brought us to early August, at which point we entered a period of unexpected flux. Very positive flux, mind you, but flux which made it hard to figure out how to talk about what was going on, so I kept waiting for it to settle and figure out how things were going to play out. Now that it has, here’s the news…2

  • One of our houseguests, happyfunpaul, is now dating our housemate, runnerwolf3
  • Said housemate is moving to Boston to be closer to him, and will, therefore, no longer be our housemate.
  • As a result, kitanzi and I are moving to a new apartment in Seattle.
  • Everyone’s joy quotient has been raised.4

As early as a month ago, we weren’t sure what the timeline was going to be, but as things stand now, we will all be completely out of the Redmond apartment by October 20th, when our lease ends. runnerwolf is heading out to Boston prior to OVFF, and will either simply move at that time, or else return here for a short period before making her transition to the east coast.

Yesterday, I put an application and deposit on an apartment near my office. Astonishingly near my office. Could not be closer to my office without actually working from home near my office. Today, they accepted our application, and we should be able to take possession of the unit by next Friday, which gives us a full month to affect the move.. It’s a very nice 1 BR flat that is probably roughly the same size as the part of the space in the current flat that we’re actually using, and my commute will be reduced from 2-3 hours on the bus every day to a pleasant stroll down the street.  Hopefully, it will be a bit less remote from various people that we’d like to socialise with, as well.5

The next month will be spent packing and shifting things, and we’ll probably do the big lift once we know the Internet is up and working at the new place (since kitanzi works from home, its essential that the Internet be up and working the day we move in). We should be nicely settled in before it’s time to fly to Ohio for OVFF.

So what’s new in your world?

  1. At this point, I’m just going to let that go with a vague wave of my hand.  I’m feeling much better of late. ↩

  2. Pending future revision, but this is looking like the plan, now… ↩

  3. Surprised, weren’t you? ↩

  4. Joy Quotient is my New Order cover band. ↩

  5. Ironically, a couple of my friends — Bill and Brittany, who lived in Redmond when we first met — moved out of the neighbourhood just before we moved in.  I found out the other day that Bill’s brother and HIS wife, whom I met at Nerdtacular,  have just moved into Redmond as we are about to leave it.   It’s a small world, but I wouldn’t want to paint it. ↩