Day Six of our challenge asks me to post a song that makes me want to dance. A lot of songs make me want to dance. I enjoy dancing, for all that I’m not very good at it. But the first song to pop into my head is this joyful number from the B-52’s 1989 album “Cosmic Thing”, so that’s my pick for today.
Laura Gallagher
When I was younger and healthier, I’d put this on and turn the volume up and dance around my living room like mad, alone.
Peter Alway
I remember this one. I never danced to it, but I sure enjoyed it.
Rob Wynne
I’m pretty sure I nearly wore through my vinyl cope of “Hounds of Love”.
David Weingart
Seeing her perform The Ninth Wave was *amazing*
Annette Spirit Davis
Lauren Cox
What a band.
Lauren Cox
I’d be awful at this challenge because I can’t just pick one song to dance to. It seems Yes is the soundtrack to my life and I’m okay with this.
Rob Wynne
Lauren: I take the point of this challenge to share music. I’m not even trying to pick the single best track for each option. I just ponder the question, see what jumps into my mind, and then share. So don’t feel constrained.
Lauren Cox
Rob Wynne
My friend Nick introduced me to Vulfpeck, and yeah, they’re a seriously great band.
Lauren Cox
Excellent. I try to spread the Vulf gospel whenever and wherever I can. ?
Nick Nizzi
I like you, Lauren. You’re my new best funky friend.
Nick Nizzi
Vulfpack 4 lyfe!!
Nick Nizzi
Rob Wynne Vulf’s newest album came out two days ago and it’s so damn good!
Rob Wynne
Oooh, thanks for the headsup
Lauren Cox
Jim Poltrone
Caitlin Osborne
Daniel Reitman
Jennifer Diamond
I’ve danced to this one professionally:
Elaine Roberson
Dancing on the Ceiling – Lionel Richie
Jim Poltrone
This one’s for a different type of dancing.
Rob Wynne
I got to see Love and Rockets live back in the late 1990s. Great show.
Amelia Edwards
This one is fun to make small children dance to, all you have to do is give them a bunch of fluttery scarves and let them go…
Marcos Duran
Lots of good choices from the B-52’s catalog. Roam is great and topical!
T J Burnside Clapp
It even comes with dance steps!
Paul Kwinn
Heather Munn
Ah, my clubbing days
T J Burnside Clapp
The go-to tune for my aerobics dance class in the 80s.
Stephanie Weippert
AJ Foreit
Juanita Coulson
ZZTop doin’ “Can’t Stop Rockin'”.