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30 Day Song Challenge – Day 7 – A Good Song to Drive to

Today’s challenge invites me to share a song that’s good to drive to. I went thorough a lot of thoughts on this. A song about driving? Hrm. A song that reminds me of being on a journey? A son about setting out on a journey. A road trip that profoundly changed me? Lots of possible choices. I settled on this one. Here’s Peter Gabriel’s “Solsbury Hill”


30 Day Song Challenge – Day 6 – A Song That Makes You Want To Dance


30 Day Song Challenge – Day 8 – A Song About Drugs or Alcohol


  1. Bruce Adelsohn

    While there are lots of choices here, I’ll take the cliched choice (which also qualifies for playing loudly):

  2. Lauren Cox

    Joni always. Court and Spark is *the best* driving album to me.

  3. Jim Poltrone

    (Take 2.) For me, today’s challenge is about songs I like to list to while driving. No road trip is complete without my collection of Pat Metheny CDs. Here’s a decent cover of one of my favorite Metheny tunes: “New Chautauqua”.

  4. Joey Griffin


    This is my late night driving song. Makes me feel like I’m up to no good, when in reality, I’m just heading to Piggly Wiggly to grab some milk:

  5. Elaine Roberson

    The Little Old Lady from Pasadena – Beach Boys

  6. Merav Hoffman

    I was listening to this song when your post showed up. I’d say synchronicity, but that’s a different song.

  7. Blind Lemming Chiffon

    For road songs I’ve actually used on the road – I was in a Ford Econoline van with 3 others driving from Denver to New York with as few stops as possible. As the only non-driver, my job was to keep the tape player going and make sure the driver stayed awake. The two best tapes for that among the 100 or so I had (it was ‘78) were “Killer” by Alice Cooper, and “Crown of Creation” by Jefferson Airplane. I forget the criteria.

  8. Juanita Coulson

    Doobies’ arockin Down the Highway.

  9. Heather Munn

    Life is a Highway – link to follow

  10. Jim Poltrone

    Oh, here’s another one.

  11. Amelia Edwards

    Dragula, but only on open highway with no cops around.

  12. T J Burnside Clapp

    Oh man, how could I have forgotten this one!

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