Today’s challenge invites me to share a song that’s good to drive to. I went thorough a lot of thoughts on this. A song about driving? Hrm. A song that reminds me of being on a journey? A son about setting out on a journey. A road trip that profoundly changed me? Lots of possible choices. I settled on this one. Here’s Peter Gabriel’s “Solsbury Hill”
Bruce Adelsohn
While there are lots of choices here, I’ll take the cliched choice (which also qualifies for playing loudly):
Marc Wilson
Prefer “Born to Run”, myself.
Bruce Adelsohn
Marc: Most of his uptempo songs work. Thinder Road is today’s choice; tomorrow’s could be any of several dozen others, including Born to Run
T J Burnside Clapp
Yup yup yup … plus Hungry Heart, and Cadillac Ranch!
Bruce Adelsohn
And Badlands, and Racing in the Street and Candy’s Room and Backstreets and…
Paul Kwinn
and let us not forget Pink Cadillac.
Annette Spirit Davis
Rob Wynne
This was one of the songs that I considered!
Eric Coleman
Top of my list. My vote for the best driving song of all time.
Lauren Cox
Joni always. Court and Spark is *the best* driving album to me.
Jim Poltrone
(Take 2.) For me, today’s challenge is about songs I like to list to while driving. No road trip is complete without my collection of Pat Metheny CDs. Here’s a decent cover of one of my favorite Metheny tunes: “New Chautauqua”.
Paul Kwinn
Joey Griffin
This is my late night driving song. Makes me feel like I’m up to no good, when in reality, I’m just heading to Piggly Wiggly to grab some milk:
Elaine Roberson
The Little Old Lady from Pasadena – Beach Boys
David Weingart
Merav Hoffman
I was listening to this song when your post showed up. I’d say synchronicity, but that’s a different song.
T J Burnside Clapp
T J Burnside Clapp
“Bear Left.” “Right, Frog.”

Blind Lemming Chiffon
Patricia Jones
Carolyn Fortuna
Rob Wynne
This is my favourite Rush song *ever*.
Lauren Cox
*such* an excellent song. and definitely great to drive to. ?
Eric Paulhus
Rob – same here.
David Weingart
And a great SF story, too.
I actually filked that song in college
Jim Poltrone
“Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime….” and the pedal goes to the metal.
Eric Coleman
Blind Lemming Chiffon
For road songs I’ve actually used on the road – I was in a Ford Econoline van with 3 others driving from Denver to New York with as few stops as possible. As the only non-driver, my job was to keep the tape player going and make sure the driver stayed awake. The two best tapes for that among the 100 or so I had (it was ‘78) were “Killer” by Alice Cooper, and “Crown of Creation” by Jefferson Airplane. I forget the criteria.
Eric Coleman
Both favorite albums of mine
Blind Lemming Chiffon
Eric Coleman Not surprised. “Lather” is my favorite JA song.
Juanita Coulson
Doobies’ arockin Down the Highway.
Heather Munn
Life is a Highway – link to follow
Heather Munn
Heather Munn
Upon reflection, that’s my urban driving song. My rural driving song is:
Jim Poltrone
Oh, here’s another one.
Steve Macdonald
Raspberry Beret – Prince.
Steve Macdonald
and a sub-mention, because Wayne’s World turned a non-driving song into a driving song…. Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen:
Rob Wynne
I love Raspberry Beret. Have you ever heard the Hindu Love Gods cover of it? (Hindu Love Gods was a one-off project comprised of Warren Zevon being backed by Pete Buck, Mike Mills, and Bill Berry of REM.)
Steve Macdonald
This is made of awesome.
Rob Wynne
I know, right?
Caitlin Osborne
Rob Wynne
I love Josh Ritter. I sometimes cover “Girl In The War”
Beckett Gladney
Beckett Gladney
It’s not a huge hit, I know, but it’s a great driving song…
Beckett Gladney
and Jeff will just look down and shake his head ruefully…
Rob Wynne
“High Desert” is, also. ?
Amelia Edwards
Dragula, but only on open highway with no cops around.
T J Burnside Clapp
Oh man, how could I have forgotten this one!