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30 Day Song Challenge – Day 8 – A Song About Drugs or Alcohol

On the eight day of the 30 Day Song Challenge, we’re sent 8 miles high and invited to post a song about drugs or alcohol. I considered several options, but decided to go with this old favourite, a song I loved deeply long before I understood what it was about. Here’s Kenny Rogers and the First Edition, with “Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)”


30 Day Song Challenge – Day 7 – A Good Song to Drive to


Describe your favourite book


  1. Rob Wynne

    Here’s the entire challenge again, for anyone who didn’t grab a copy of it earlier.
    I’ll try and repost it once a week or so until I’m done. 🙂

  2. Linda Walsh

    This song is raw and brutal and one of Lennon’ s most ferocious:”Cold Turkey”

  3. Bruce Adelsohn

    This one is irresistible, here. Sadly, I don’t see it on YouTube. Good thing Tom Smith keeps an accessible copy at his own page.

  4. Lauren Cox

    Fun story: my best friend’s dad is Gene Lorenzo, the First Edition’s piano player. And she got the genes and is a brilliant musician herself. #growingupinnashville

  5. Laura Gallagher

    Then there’s this one – which made me feel so guilty when my doctor prescribed the anti-anxiety pills, which I tend to leave in the bottle 90% of the time because things like this song freak me out about getting addicted to them. Karl pointed out that the guys in the Rolling Stones giving women a hard time about that kind of drugs was pretty rich, given their history. Can’t remember just how he phrased it, but it made me feel better.

  6. Jim Poltrone

    I’ll cover all the bases with this one:

  7. Elaine Roberson

    Jimmy Buffett – Wasting Away in Margaritaville

  8. Tom Jeffers

    One of my faves from a guy from my hometown of Winnipeg, Neil Young.

  9. Annette Spirit Davis

    Our internet is being a jerk today so I can’t post the links to the song(s). Two very different artists did very good songs about drugs. The first being Alice in Chains “Junkhead” and the second is Lou Reed “Waiting for my Man”.

    • Rob Wynne

      One of the songs I considered was the VU’s “Heroin”. I was just yesterday listening to the Fresh Air interview with with the guy who wrote the just-released biography about Lou Reed.

    • Annette Spirit Davis

      “A Perfect Day” would have been a good one as well. If you listen to the Alice in Chains ‘Dirt” CD it is all about addiction and trying to fight it, “Dirt” is one of my favorites CD’s all of the songs are good.

  10. Stephanie Weippert

    Despite what you may think, this is *not* a love song. ?

  11. Juanita Coulson

    Sorry. Not participating in that one.

  12. T J Burnside Clapp

    And of course, the classic drug song (recited as only the Shat can):

  13. Kathy Mar

    Don’t know how to do this, but one of my favorite drug songs is the Steppenwolf cover of Hoyt Axton’s Snowblind Friend.

  14. Juanita Coulson

    Changed my mind about not joining this one. My offering: Buffy Sainte-Marie: Codeine.

  15. Dell Christy

    Don’t know how to post link from my phone, but the first thing that comes to mind is Golden Earring’s Twilight Zone. This is the one song where I will turn the radio way up in my car – to the point where the mirror vibrates from the bass.

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