Day 10 of the song challenge invites us to share a song that makes us sad. Just as with happy songs, there’s a nearly infinite list. Like any great art, music is all about evoking an emotional response, and sad songs are a genre all their own. My pick for today is one that completely wrecked me when i first heard it, and even today, it hits me like a truck. One of his last recordings, Glen Campbell wrote “I’m Not Going To Miss You” for his wife, as he begin his ultimately fatal struggle with Alzheimer’s Disease.
David Weingart
Laura Gallagher
Heather Munn
Cried like a baby the first time I heard this one….
Rob Wynne
I cry like a baby *every* time I hear it.
Heather Munn
Rob Wynne I would, but I’ve had the discs playing non-stop in my car since the set was released. I’ve heard it enough that now it merely breaks my heart everytime.
Rob Wynne
I hear that. I had it on a continuous loop for six straight months. Good grief, what an amazing show.
Lauren Cox
I’m getting teary-eyed even *thinking* about It’s Quiet Uptown.
Amelia Edwards
Last year, I’d been meaning to listen to Hamilton after it hit the Amazon streaming but hadn’t gotten around to it. My friend posted about listening to it and crying through two parts towards the end. I laughed to myself, thinking what a softie that friend was compared to me, and I went ahead and started listening. Long story short….??????????
Heather Munn
Reliably brings my mood to that melancholy place, whatever I was feeling before hand be damned (and not even because of John, just Because):
Annette Spirit Davis
Stephanie Weippert
For personal reasons, I cry every time I hear her version.
Jim Poltrone
Oh, there’s so many to choose from. I’ll pick this one.
Lauren Cox
Oh gosh… sad songs, or songs that make me cry? At any rate, here’s one that does both:
Paul Kwinn
Many possibilities. I think I’ll go with this:
Lori Coulson
This particular mix does it for me:
Manny Jacobowitz
Iain Muir
Blind Lemming Chiffon
This one, for me. On the plus side, hearing this on Crossing Jordan was where I found Jill Sobule.
Capricia Bruns
Elaine Roberson
Paul Kwinn
This was the first one I thought of, too.
Rob Wynne
TFW you realise you should call your mom more often… <3
Caitlin Osborne
Patricia Jones
Patricia Jones
I tear up every time I watch this.
T J Burnside Clapp
This one breaks my heart. When I first heard it I thought it was about a breakup (which is sad enough) but now I believe it’s about the death of a loved one. In any case, it’s beautiful and so, so sad.
Lori Coulson
And this is the one I can’t sing — because I break down crying in the last lines:
Jennifer Diamond
I was going to go with “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,” but this one also makes me cry, and is less well known:
Heather Munn
Did any days since 10 post? I miss doing this every day with you
Rob Wynne
I just posted Day 11 — our Intenet was down yesterday due to a big windstorm. (We were lucky; some of my friends also lost power.)
Nicole Rioux Davis