First up, apologies for not posting yesterday – we had a major windstorm in Seattle, and my Internet was down all evening. Rather than post twice today, I’m just going to pick up where I left off.
Today’s challenge invites us to post a song we never get tired of. This, again, is an embarrassment of riches category, because I tend not to get tired of things I like, and that includes a tremendous amount of music. But in terms of falling in love with a piece of music so completley that it crowds out everything else, well…there’s been very little in my life as overwhelmingly obsessive as when I bought the cast recording of “Hamilton”. In this day and age of having entire catalogs of songs at your disposal, I tend to listen to an album once, and then it goes into the shuffle; it’s rare for me to listen to a particular album all the way through over and over again.
I listened to “Hamilton” on repeat for nearly six months.
While it’s tempting to just post the entire album, that’s not a *song*, so I’m going to pick a song from the show, and rather than pick one of the obvious tracks like “Alexander Hamilton” or “My Shot”, I’m going to focus on one that I don’t see bandied about as often, but I think is worth singling out. Here’s Renée Elise Goldsberry and the cast of Hamilton with “Satisfied”.
Rob Wynne
Hamilton fans: It’s worth looking at the other vids this particular person has put up — they’ve done pretty much the whole show in this style, and it’s *gorgeous*
Shazzer Shleong
Absolutely. I avoid looking at some of his videos cos I keep crying
Heather Munn
Really, almost anything by Harry Chapin. Today, let’s go with this one. This musician’s been in my heavy rotation since I was 13; still loving it all:
Sarah Windowshade Shay
My college roommate was named after this song! We bonded over our love for Harry Chapin. Who could ever get tired of him?
Blind Lemming Chiffon
Speaking of whole albums, Atlanta 12 String by Blind Willie McTell is something of a miracle. Some of the artist’s best work, only 2 tracks were released at the time, and the rest was discovered many years later. This track, similar musically to “Kill It Kid” which was one of the released sides, could easily have been lost forever.
Lauren Cox
Satisfied is one of my favorite tracks on the whole soundtrack. Also the Cabinet Battles and the Battle of Yorktown. Ugh.
As for my song, I will never ever ever tire of Joan Shelley.
Rob Wynne
I thing “Satisfied” is a freaking masterpiece on an album that is itself a masterpiece.
I don’t know Joan Shelley, but I dig this track, so I’m gonna look for more.
Lauren Cox
Satisfied is brilliant and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees with me (not really but yeah).
And Joan Shelley is my favorite musician of all time. Every one of her albums is brilliant and lovely and gorgeous. Over and Even is an atmospheric masterpiece, and her most recent eponymous album is one that sinks in and simmers. I count her as my biggest musical influence next to Cat. It’s just *good* music. And her voice… *melts*
(I don’t have a crush on her nope not at all.)
David Weingart
Battle of Yorktown is my fave
Shazzer Shleong
I can’t click on Satisfied… I’ll cry again. I will look at the song “I’ll be back” instead cos every member of the british commonwealth can sympathise with America in some way after being sent a love song like this from a British monarch. I can listen to this forever
Daniel Reitman
Manny Jacobowitz
Cordelia Kates
I will stay with your choice. I have so many so hard to choose. Yours is a good choice!
Jim Poltrone
For me, it’s smooth jazz that I can listen to non-stop. I’ve been following this band since their first album in 1978. They’re from my home town of Buffalo; how could I not like Spyro Gyra?
Jim Poltrone
The Manhattan Transfer added words in their version.
Iain Muir
I can listen to “Bat” and “Bat 2” on a continuous loop
Elaine Roberson
Mary Bertke
I listened to the entirety of Hamilton last night. My housemate stared at me a little when she realized tears were running down my face as I listened to “When you were mine”.
Dell Christy
I’m a die-hard Garnet Rogers fan and I love songs that tell stories. Here’s one of my favorites.
Garrett Fitzgerald
That. Was. Brilliant.
I loved the song, but this takes it to another level…
David Weingart
Rob Wynne
Oooh. I seriously love Throwing Muses.
David Weingart
You and me both!
Jennifer Diamond
Rob Wynne
This was my favourite segment in Fantasia 2000 (and my favourite Gerswhin piece.)