Today’s challenge invites us to share a song that has many meanings to ourselves, and I have to admit that I’m a bit stumped. There are certainly songs that have different *associations* in my mind. It isn’t so much that the song means a different thing as that it resonates on a different frequency emotionally, depending on the context. I’m not sure that’s entirely what the question is going for, but since that’s all we have to go on, here’s a song that stirs a lot of different emotions in me, depending on who is on my mind when I play it1. Here’s “Beeswing” by Richard Thompson.
Jim Poltrone
I’m stumped too. So I’ll play one of my wild cards and post a song I think everyone should listen to.
Elaine Roberson
Lori Coulson
Try this one, sort of appropriate to the approaching season:
Rob Wynne
I love this track so much. I remember the first time I heard it, and it seriously blew me away. Still gets me in the gut.
Marilisa Valtazanou
Oh gosh, I haven’t heard this in years. It still gets me, too.
Heather Munn
hm…struggling with this one. Will post once i figure it out
Rob Wynne
I had a really hard time with it too.
Heather Munn
Ok, took me a moment, but yeah….it’s the associations that are different. Watching this as a muppet fan, later hearing this as a Harry Belefonte fan, later singing this in UU Church servivces….All very different:
Jim Poltrone
It’s hymn #1074 in _Singing the Journey_ aka “the teal hymnal”. I created a MIDI file based on the arrangement in the hymnal, and loaded it into our Kurzweil Mark 10 digital keyboard.