Today’s challenge invites us to share a song from an artist whose voice you love. One of my favourite singers growing up was Karen Carpenter. I had all the Carpenters albums, and listened to them endlessly. This is a challenge where the initial selection is easy, but which track to choose. As is often my wont, I’m going for a pretty deep album cut rather than one of the big hits everyone knows.
This song was originally written in 1937, and was a hit for Tommy Dorsey, and later for the Andrews Sisters. But Karen’s wistful, angelic alto and Richard’s sublime arrangement make this a standout track from their 1975 album Horizon. Here’s what I think is the definitive rendition of “I Can Dream, Can’t I?”
Rob Wynne
I always wished that Karen Carpenter had recorded an entire album of standards. It would have been magic.
Heather Munn
Even now, when I hear that voice, I’m reminded of how special a vocal quality she had, and how there hasn’t quite been anyone who sounded like her since.
Rob Wynne
It’s more than just tone too. She always managed to find the most perfectly expressive *phrasing* for every single lyric. She was exquisite.
Mike Whitaker
Witness the “time and time again….” line in Goodbye To Love. Where the heck did she breathe???!!!!
Mike Whitaker
Mike Whitaker
“…Time and time again the chance for love has passed me by and all I know of love is how to live without it..”. One breath.
Paul Kwinn
I agree that Karen had an amazing voice. Somewhat ironic that, as I understand it, she disliked that her brother kept putting her behind the mic, since she preferred to play drums.
Daniel Reitman
Aysha Rehm
Jim Poltrone
I’ve been a fan of Kate Bush since the mid-1980s. There are plenty of deep cuts I can choose from. Definitely more interesting than this year’s teenybopper sensation.
Rob Wynne
I adore Kate Bush. My significant ex introduced me to her when we got together in the late 80s, and I’ve been a fan ever since. (So, you know, *some* nice things came out of that relationship, after all.)
Jim Poltrone
She was all the rage in the love-hounds group on the Usenet back then.
David Weingart
One would guess by the name that it was a group for Kate fans.
Lauren Cox
I adore Karen Carpenter.
And Joan Shelley’s voice fucking melts me like butter, so I just have to share another one of hers.
Jim Poltrone
Another one I love is Annie Haslam of Renaissance.
Jim Poltrone
And for male vocalists, there is Fish, formerly of Marillion.
Daniel Reitman
has that album packed away somewhere
Heather Munn
Avi Kaplan. with the long hair.
Curtis Manges
Curtis Manges
My ex-wife was jealous of Anne Murray for a while …
Elaine Roberson
Annette Spirit Davis
Roger Davis
T J Burnside Clapp
Well, I could listen to Colm Wilkinson sing the phone book and I’d still melt. This one’s particularly good … it’s one of his favorites, but he never got to sing it in Les Mis since it wasn’t his character’s song.
Paul Kwinn
I think I’ll go with Ann Wilson. (And as a bonus, you get a very nice acoustic guitar bit by her sister Nancy at the start.)
Rob Wynne
I adore this song so much. I’m a huge fan of Heart, especially their 70s work. (I’m a bit….mixed on their 80s stuff.)
Bruce Adelsohn
I could listen to Stan Rogers sing for days on end. This tenderest of his songs really showcases his voice, IMNSHO.
David Weingart
Jim has already named two of my top choices with Kate Bush and Annie Haslam , so I’ll add Kristin Hersh
Lee Billings
The incomparable Mary Fahl.
Rob Wynne
Loved her since way back in the October Project days. <3
Deirdre Moira Murphy
Linda Walsh
Deborah A Baudoin
OMG, saw her in a road show of Into the Woods. It was thrilling–actually met her afterwards for a moment at the Blue Room in the New Orleans Fairmont Hotel. Cleo Laine–voice like buttah.
Elizabeth Barber
LOved and still love her voice.
Elizabeth Barber
Blind Lemming Chiffon
I’ll share a couple I like because I think they ought to be better known and remembered than they are:
Blind Lemming Chiffon
Lillie Delk Christian is either a love-or-hate singer who didn’t do nearly enough recording and was beaten up by the critics. This track may be the first vocal recording of one of the greatest vocalists, Louis Armstrong.
Blind Lemming Chiffon
One more. Ruthie Foster’s voice knocked me over when I first heard her sing at a festival about 15 years ago, and I would never miss a live show except she’s playing here when I’ll be in Atlanta in January. The things I give up.
Joseph Abbott
Annie Lennox. No more need be said.
Blind Lemming Chiffon