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From Twitter 10-04-2010

  • 08:14:23: Saw the first two episodes of “Leverage” last night. Just what I needed, another TV show to be hooked on. 🙂
  • 11:44:20: @vixy I have it. Did you need it?
  • 11:57:38: RT @RyanNewYork: RT @ajacobthompson: 74 banned #books available for free download in honor of Banned Books Week
  • 11:59:32: @paulapoundstone That’s pretty much just like following what’s going on in Congress on any given week.

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LINK: You just broke your child. Congratulations.

This was shared to me originally over on Facebook by museinred, but I wanted to spread it to a wider audience.

If you are a parent, you need to read this. If you’re ever thinking of becoming a parent, you need to read this.

Oh, hell, you just need to read this, whoever you are. Something to seriously think about.

Single Dad Laughing: You just broke your child. Congratulations.:

I’m going to be blunt. People see my relationship with Noah, and quite often put me up on a pedestal or sing my praises for loving him more than most dads love their own kids.

Damn it. I don’t understand that, and I’ll never understand that. Loving my son, building my son, touching my son, playing with my son, being with my son… these aren’t tasks that only super dads can perform. These are tasks that every dad should perform. Always. Without fail. There is nothing special about me. I am a dad who loves his son and would literally do anything for his well-being, safety, and health. I would gladly take a rake in the face or a jackhammer to my feet before I cut my own son down or make him feel small.

[sigh] I am far from a perfect dad. And I always will be. But I’m a damn good dad, and my son will always feel bigger than anything life can throw at him. Why? Because I get it. I get the power a dad has in a child’s life, and in a child’s level of self-belief. I get that everything I ever do and ever say to my son will be absorbed, for good or for bad. What I don’t get is how some dads don’t get it.

A Month of TV Commentary: A Meme in 30 Parts: Day 16

Day 16 – Your guilty pleasure show

I pondered this one all weekend, and to be honest, I don’t have one.  More to the point, I can’t really think of a show that I consider a “guilty pleasure”.

On the other hand, I’ve never been a big fan of the concept of “guilty pleasures” anyway.  I’m enough of a hedonist that I tend not to feel guilty about my pleasures, whatever they might be, and I’m enough of an iconoclast that I don’t tend to get too put out if I have personal tastes that don’t dovetail neatly with the rest of society.

I really don’t have a good answer for this one, guys. I’m not ashamed of any of the media I consume, and I think that you can’t really call it a *guilty* pleasure without that.

I’ll try and do better with the next one.

Free Banned Books from the Internet Archive

74 Free Banned Books (for Banned Books Week) | Open Culture:

To commemorate Banned Books Week, the always great Internet Archive has opened up access to 74 banned books. The collection features some serious pieces of literature (James Joyce’s Ulysses, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night, Huxley’s Brave New World, etc.); some traditional children’s classics (Winnie the Pooh); and some sinister books of unquestionable historical importance (Mein Kampf). These books can be downloaded in multiple digital formats, including sometimes ePub and Kindle formats. This gives you the ability to read the the works on the Kindle, iPad, Nook and other mainstream ebook readers. (See note below.) But the old fashioned computer will also do the job.

Music for Monday

Ten Songs About Mondays :: Blogs :: List of the Day :: Paste:

Mondays are rough. Whether you’re a grumpy feline or an overworked office drone, it’s no fun dragging yourself back into your weekly routine after a couple days off.

If you’ve got a case of the Mondays and need a little nudge to get things headed in the right direction, give a listen to these songs that pay tribute to the most hated day of the week. And remember: There are only four more days until Friday.

Hometown paper profiles Mythbuster’s Tory Belleci

Local boy paid to blow stuff up – ::

When he was young, Tory Belleci would decorate his Monterey home for Halloween with severed limbs and human statues that would come alive to frighten trick-or-treaters.

Fourth of July was also a big holiday, when Tory and his father Andy Belleci would glue fireworks to wooden planks that shot off sparks and flares in all directions.

But one special-effects stunt involving explosives nearly landed Belleci in jail — and when he got a second chance, he wound up having success in television on the show “MythBusters.”

From Twitter 10-02-2010

  • 09:24:48: @PhilKMills I call those “piano chords”, in the sense that, as a guitarist, the only way I can figure to play them is on a piano.

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I think I might have to buy two copies of this.  One for myself, and one for my Mom, who is (or was at one time) a fan of both Phil Collins -and- Motown.  (In fact, it was her record collection that got me into Motown in the first place, and finding out Collins was the lead singer of Genesis is the only reason she agreed to take me to see them in concert when I was a teenager. *grin*)

Phil Collins: ‘Going Back’ To Motown : NPR:

One such classic is Martha Reeves and the Vandellas’ “Heat Wave.” He says the song encapsulates the entire Motown sound for him.

“It’s just got that optimistic [sound], and you can feel the sun coming out,” he says.

Collins’ versions stay true to the original arrangements and instrumentation. He says he never lost track of the fact that he was trying to emulate these songs rather than change or update them.

“The most important thing to me was actually getting them to sound authentic,” Collins says. “I didn’t really want to mess with the arrangements. I didn’t really want to mess with the kind of instrumentation. For me, I just wanted to see if it was possible to re-create a feeling that I had when I first heard these records.”

From Twitter 10-01-2010

  • 07:14:10: Slept for 12 hours last night. I think I must have needed that.
  • 08:13:45: @JohnFugelsang Somewhere, there’s a “Mama Said Knock You Out” parody waiting to be written by someone…
  • 09:07:18: @mattyglesias @ezraklein It would be fairly trivial to do as a web app. The %s of budget are known, so easy to calculate for any amount.
  • 11:03:22: @rslatkin Nights In Murfreesboro is the name of my new country/western jazz band.
  • 11:27:46: @ljellis Because you’re not on Facebook, that’s how. Makes you an easy target!
  • 11:58:18: @mariancall If you check the labels, you’ll find a lot of that history was imported from Europe back in the 17th and 18th century. 😉
  • 13:15:29: @JewelStaite #CSINY is one of my don’t-miss shows. Glad to see AJ getting some more screen time!
  • 13:49:50: @mariancall Perhaps someone can ship those to one of your upcoming stops?
  • 23:00:40: @catvalente Oh dear. Am I going to have to treat Glee like I did Heroes, and cherish the first season while pretending there weren’t more?
  • 23:41:38: @catvalente I could *maybe* see Richard Thompson’s cover of “Oops I Did It Again” provoking that reaction, but not Schuster & co doing Toxic

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I admit, I do rather like pizza…

So, who wants to go in with me on some pizza, hmm?

To Slide or to Slice? Finding a Positive Sexual Metaphor | Scarleteen:

Since the baseball metaphor has so many problems with it, Vernacchio created another metaphor that is much more holistic, inclusive… and tasty.

He suggests that instead of baseball, we get a template of sexuality from pizza.

Almost everyone likes pizza.
It’s got little in common with baseball, but a whole lot in common with sex.

You don’t have to be young or popular or skilled in any way to be good at eating pizza. It’s a sensual experience, like sex, that most people enjoy. Eating pizza involves the same senses as sex—it’s a full body experience.

People eat pizza because they want to. As with sex, we have a hunger for pizza (“Let’s have pizza!”) and we eat it when we have that hunger. It has to do with personal anticipation and excitement, not someone else’s ideas about how or when we should or shouldn’t eat pizza.

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