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From Twitter 09-22-2010

  • 09:05:29: Was up stupidly late last night. But Civilization V is *gorgeous*
  • 09:10:59: @kristamonster Actually yes. It’s still the Civ we know and love, but a lot of the gameplay improvements are substantial.
  • 13:03:16: @tomwillner Oh cool! A show I don’t have to drive halfway across town to see!! 🙂
  • 15:12:08: @vixy @seananmcguire I actually told a WoW guildie that the reason her VoIP client was buzzing was that we had filled her computer with bees
  • 15:27:25: @seananmcguire When I find myself in heaps of trouble / angry mobs surrounding me / I know just the answer / release bees…
  • 15:58:16: TwitterNewsNetwork Dateline Canada: Fantasy author @TanyaHuff reports swarm of angry bees now stuck in her head. Film at 11!

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From Twitter 09-21-2010

  • 08:32:46: Twitter has a javascript vulnerability. Be wary if you’re using the webpage rather than a client:
  • 08:40:17: @aiela @kristamonster Given that it’s a mouseover vuln, pretty much anyone not using a 3rd party client is likely to be hit.
  • 08:45:28: @kristamonster This is why I tend to read Twitter with the Pidgin plugin. 🙂
  • 09:22:01: RT @paulandstorm [S] With one glitch, Twitter has opened up a new field of explanations as to why was on your computer.
  • 10:57:49: RT @Twitterrific Twitter reports the XSS attack has now been fully patched. should be safe again –
  • 11:06:17: RT @DragonConTV Twitter mouseover bug redirects people to porn sites. How is that different from the rest of the Internet?
  • 12:06:15: @JewelStaite For what it’s worth, “talking about yourself” is *why* I follow you. You’re interesting, and I want to know what you’re up to.

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From Twitter 09-20-2010

  • 14:19:39: Meh. Slept awfully last night, woke up feeling like I’d been hit by a train. Called in to work, went back to bed, and slept until after noon

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From Twitter 09-19-2010

  • 18:27:14: @extralife on TLAPD I speak in a precise British accent, a la Cary Elwes in “The Princess Bride”

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From Twitter 09-18-2010

  • 09:56:38: @thetart Totally get that. Being tired but not sleepy is most of my nights.
  • 21:20:04: @feliciaday A friend of mine one remarked “If you have never walked into a lamppost, you are wasting valuable reading time.”

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From Twitter 09-17-2010

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From Twitter 09-15-2010

  • 08:47:28: @aiela I think your new cheques should be the “Erotic Film Stars Of The 1930s” set.
  • 08:48:23: @ipadgirl You keep saying that. It’s very pressuring.
  • 10:12:45: @extralife Could be worse. His mom could be the school’s librarian. #teacherskid
  • 13:13:14: @gwenzilla I have a friend who seems to still be using it for educational purposes, as of a few weeks ago.
  • 14:04:57: @mariancall Mountain Stage should totally book you. Who do we wardial until they agree?
  • 15:54:57: RT @AmazonKindle: Seanan McGuire (@seananmcguire) honored w/John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer! Check out Seanan’s works: http:/ …

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From Twitter 09-14-2010

  • 08:11:17: @adamselzer Had a bike stolen once. Always hoped thief was going downhill towards a busy intersection when he discovered brakes didn’t work
  • 09:07:06: @PhilKMills Would a suicidal programmers last project be a “Goodbye, world” program?
  • 12:02:51: @wilw “_____ is my _____ cover band” is my ? and the Mysterians cover band.

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From Twitter 09-13-2010

  • 09:36:04: Desperate for caffeine this morning; I’m actually drinking the office coffee. (Apparently, I don’t function well on a good night’s sleep.)
  • 11:02:39: @aiela Misread that as ‘I always vote both’ and thought ‘That’s gonna be hard on the laptop.’
  • 11:25:22: @petersagal With my freeze ray I will STOP……ooops. Er….could someone please thaw me? Hello? Hello?
  • 13:42:06: @vixy Er….you mean it does that for a reason? I’ve never figured it out. I thought maybe it was hungry.
  • 17:28:34: “In this savage life, it takes a knife to be certain.” –my wife. (Feel free to invent your own context.)

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A Month of TV Commentary: A Meme in 30 Parts: Day 13

Day 13 – Favourite childhood show

It’s hard to pick just one show, as I was one of those kids in the TV age who grew up on the stuff. Also, where precisely would the dividing line be between childhood and not-childhood shows.

But thinking of it, there’s a show I remember quite fondly. It debuted when I was 10, and I watched it on and off for a number of years: PBS’s kid’s science programme 3-2-1 Contact

3-2-1 Contact was a magazine style program, with several (often related) segments dealing with science and nature. It also contained a running serial detective series with three kids, who would get caught up in various little mysteries, and solve them using some science trick or another:

Not sure how well they hold up after 30 years, though it was a bit of fun to rewatch these clips. Sadly, it doesn’t appear that this show has ever been released on DVD. C’mon, CTW, let’s see some love for the classics! 🙂

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