TSP On This Day

Goodnight, internets
Published On: January 5, 2021

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CJsVsIdAPTy/

Good morning!
Published On: January 5, 2021

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CJqxzQFge2p/

Published On: January 5, 2010

This is such a horrible thought, surely someone’s done it already:

Superman/Moby Dick crossover: “Call Me Ishma-El”

Published On: January 5, 2004

First, a disclaimer: yeah, this is inspired by my own work experiences, but to be fair, every single place where one tier of people had to support another, lower tier of support folks, this has been true. I’ve even been the clueless git on the other end of this song, so believe me that this is all in good fun.

This song is dedicated to anyone who has ever had to work in ANY sort of help desk environment, and especially for the SysOps who have to support THEM.

Published On: January 5, 2004

kitanzi and I spent a quiet New Years Day just enjoying each other’s company while our house guests spent the day with Bill and ladyat at Bedlam House. telynor brought them over about 5pm, and we made plans to go out to eat.

Published On: January 5, 2002

Seanan, who is entirely too cool for me to know, I think, but I’m blessed to call her a friend anyway


elfen, who I’ve been very happy to reaquaint with recently.

*hugs* to both of you, and enjoy the day!
