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Tag: amusements Page 4 of 17

Yeah, i can get behind this.

Thanks to natatattat for this:

I kinda like it.  Go pomo.

Fun With Market Research

Listening to the podcast of NPR’s "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" this morning, where they were discussing the story about Woolworths having to pull a line of bedroom furniture for young girls with the brand name Lolita.. “We didn’t know about the book”, they claimed, “We had to look it up in Wikipedia.”

The host, Peter Sagel, quipped, “After further Wikipedia research, the store also pulled some other badly named products, such as the Hannibal Lecter EZ Bake Oven, the Scarlet Letters magnetic letter set, and the Catherine The Great My Little Pony Playset.”

Safer-Sex consideration

Today we went out and did a little shopping.   kitanzi needed to pick up a prescription at CVS, so we stopped in there.  While she was talking to the pharmacy, I wandered around looking at things, and found the most bizzare package of dolphin shaped condoms.  I’d never heard of such a thing, and finding it appropriately strange, took it over to show my companions.  khaosworks gave it an odd look, cocked his head to one side, and said “Is it tuna-safe?”

Today, our friends in the UK celebrate Guy Fawkes day, a holiday that most Americans find confusing because, near as they can figure, English history starts in 1585 and largely ends in 1814.

Luckily, scarletdemon wrote a lovely treatise on the history of the occasion a couple of years ago, and it’s still there for you to enjoy now.

In 1605, English Catholics were angry that they did not have equal rights, so their leader (Pope Trevor the Third) signed what Catholics call a “Fatwa” and sent it to Guy Fawkes to be carried out. Fawkes assembled a band of like-minded terrorists and they decided to assassinate King James I, his family, and most of the Protestant aristocracy, in one fell swoop, by blowing up the Houses of Parliament during the State Opening. They saw themselves as soldiers of fortune, helping people in need. But who were these desperate men? Guy Fawkes had chosen some of the best minds in pyrotechnic history: Himself, George Handel, Arthos, Porthos, Shakespeare, Dogtanian and fuse specialist Artemis Richlieu. Their famous cry of “Penny For The Guy And One For All!” has become a regular catch-phrase for children begging outside corner-shops (with their Guy Fawkes effigies), even today.

Go read the whole post. It’s delightful stuff.

Today’s Random Thought

I’ve been thinking, and, as it turns out, I don’t actually care if the world learns to sing in perfect harmony. So I see no reason I should bother to try and teach it.

International Talk Like A Pirate Day

I think we exhausted most of the good puns last year, but this year, My ITLAPD is a plea for fairness and bi-partisanship.

If we’re going to have International Talk Like A Pirate Day, in the spirit of the great Pirates Vs. Ninja divide, we need to have International Talk Like A Ninja Day.

So please, on International Talk Like A Ninja Day, try to be as silent as possible.

Isn’t It enough to know that I ruined a kitten making a gift for you?

Sometimes, you come across a photo that, due to an oddity of perspective, makes it look like something much different than it really is. Such as this photo I came across while randomly blogsurfing today:

You like monkeys, you like kittens…. 🙂

The Beast Variations

Saw this this morning on rec.humor.funny.reruns. It made me grin.

$665.95 Retail price of the Beast
$699.25 Price of the Beast plus 5% sales tax
$769.95 Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul
$656.66 Walmart price of the Beast
6, uh… what’s that number again? Number of the Blonde Beast
00666 Zip code of the Beast
1-900-666-6666 Live Beasts! One-on-one pacts! Call Now! Only $6.66/minute. Over 18 only please.
Route 666 Highway of the Beast
666 F Oven temperature for roast Beast
666k Retirement plan of the Beast
6.66% 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.
i66686 CPU of the Beast
666i BMW of the Beast
DSM-666 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast
668 Next-door neighbor of the Beast

A Heartfelt Plea for Peace and Goodwill

You can find the most interesting things using StumbleUpon. Today, I found this lovely, funny country music video, which is apparently set to a song by singer/comedian Rodney Carrington, about the beauty, splendor, and yes the healing power of the bosom.

I will warn you that this video is not remotely safe for work. But gosh, it’s fun.

Should this video, er, inspire you, feel free to drop me an e-mail at *wink* *grin*

Seen on a theatre marquee

We were driving up North Point Parkway, when kitanzi spotted the movie listings for the UA Movie Theatre. The last three entries in the first column read:


Yeesh. It’s getting so you can’t go *anywhere* without running into spoilers!

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