Gwnewch y pethau bychain

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This weekend, kitanzi and I drove up to Chatanooga for Galacticon.

Boskone (Sunday and Monday)

Wrapping up the weekend, there was music, food, more music, yet more music, good conversation, good snuggles, and all around a great time.

Boskone (Saturday)

In which we actually make it to some of the convention, plus venturing out to Harvard Square to see a really good concert.

Wonderful weekend (Friday)

Time spent with far-away sweeties, catching up with friends, great food, a marvelous concert, making music, meeting people previously known only online, and love…

Off to Boskone

For anyone who wasn’t aware, kitanzi and I are off to Boston this weekend for Boskone, where we expect to have a wonderful time and see all our friends and loves who live there. If you’re at the con, you can likely find me at night wherever the filkers dwell. 🙂

I’ve been bad about keeping up with birthdays, but I must take the opportunity today to send my very best wishes to someone I love more than chocolate, bardling. May you have the most wonderful day and weekend that is possible. *smooch*

Catching up again

Well, so far I haven’t done a very good job of keeping up with my unofficial and unannounced pledge to post actual me-content more often. As I said way back when I started this journal, I don’t tend to like talking about myself very much. But since you’re obviously reading this hoping for SOME kind of content, I suppose I should endeavor to supply you with it. 🙂

Gafilk was tremendous fun. There were too many highlights to really mention, but I will say that unclechristo was as amazing as always, and it was wonderful to get him to a con over here, callylevy was sweet and amazing and talented and everything we expected from her, quadrivium did a superb job of toastmistressing (holding herself to a much higher standard than we were, really, poor dear), and Rand and Adam were, well, Rand and Adam. Then there was Howie. Wow. He was still feeling a bit under it all, which, all things considered, was still pretty good shape to be in. But no matter what state his body was in, his verve and personality and wit were as strong as everything I’d ever heard and more.

We had more people at this convention than ever before, and while it was exhilarating to be around all those wonderfully talented people, I spent far too much time running around being frantic to really absorb it.

On the other hand, it was a weekend filled with personal interaction with friends and loves, and that’s what a con is for. Some of it was, of course, absolutely none of your business, other than to note that it was nice to finally put some theories into practice. (*snuggles someone very snuggly* 🙂

Normally, I couldn’t pick a *highlight* of the con, but this once, I can. The banquet was un-freaking-believable. First, there was the incredible band, with Jodi (musesmuse) on vocals and backed by the “Gafilk House Band” (Mary, Dave (surrdave), Brian (siliconchef), and Blaise). This would have been cool enough, but there was a dance floor, and we took great advantage of it. I got to dance with kitanzi, alymid (twice), mokatiki, and plaid_dragon. What a wonderful time. Thanks to all of those lovely ladies for a wonderful evening.

I did get to play a little bit at the dead dog, but we went home at a reasonable hour, because kitanzi had to get up and work the next morning. And that’s as much of a Gafilk report as you get this year.


Wow. I didn’t actually mean to disappear like that. See, it’s like this, first there was OVFF, and then we were both sick, and…

This is gonna take more than one post to catch up. I can tell. 🙂

Sherman, set the wayback machine for two weeks ago…

Well, kitanzi and I finally have our plane tickets for OVFF booked. If anyone is interested:

Departing ATL: 24OCT03 12:30pm
Arriving CMH: 24OCT03 1:56pm

Departing CMH: 27OCT03 1:30pm
Arriving ATL: 27OCT03 3:05pm

Which means we get to stay for the dead dog too! I’m a bit bummed that we can’t be there for Thursday night, since Thursday night at OVFF has sometimes been magic, but I’m really looking forward to the convention anyway!

Speaking of air travel, this site might amuse some people:


Well, between vacation the week after ConCertino (which I will cover separately) and being just flat out tired this last week, I haven’t managed to do any updating in a while. So here’s some flashbacks on ConCertino. As usual, this isn’t so much a con report as a bunch of random memories. Being two weeks later, I’m sure I’ll forget something and then be mortified about it later, so apologies in advance.

At long last, the Quinze report

Ok, so I’ve been neglecting catching up on trip reports, which is not unusual for me, but I didn’t want to let the rest of my trip to England go unreported on, so here’s part two. Maybe I’ll get caught up by the weekend.

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