Well, between vacation the week after ConCertino (which I will cover separately) and being just flat out tired this last week, I haven’t managed to do any updating in a while. So here’s some flashbacks on ConCertino. As usual, this isn’t so much a con report as a bunch of random memories. Being two weeks later, I’m sure I’ll forget something and then be mortified about it later, so apologies in advance.
Tag: filk
Ok, so I’ve been neglecting catching up on trip reports, which is not unusual for me, but I didn’t want to let the rest of my trip to England go unreported on, so here’s part two. Maybe I’ll get caught up by the weekend.
Well, I’d been meaning to post since this time last week, but I’ve just been busy at work and neglecting the journal. Also, it seems that the reason I never seem to get around to trip reports and convention reports is that it’s just too much bother pulling what amount to a lot of random thoughts into coherent paragraphs, so I’m going to steal a page from sdorn and just post some random thoughts.
Next year is going to be a LOT of fun!
GaFilk 2004
Atlanta, GA
January 9-11, 2004
Guest of Honor: Mich Sampson (callylevy)
Toastmaster: Mary Crowell (quadrivium)
Interfilk Guests: Rand Bellavia and Adam English
And of course, another Super Secret Guest, plus more fun than you can shake a stick at. Y’all come…
This was an instafilk that came out on #filkhaven. filkerdave was lamenting being unable to attend OVFF due to a scheduling conflict, and maedbh7 said she was continuing to “work on that cloning device, so there can be two of Dave”. This just sorta flowed out.
Two of Dave
by Robert Wynne
TTTO: “Yesterday” (Lennon/McCartney)
Two of Dave
One to pass around, and one to save
For whenever you can’t fight that crave
It’s useful to have two of Dave
Dave is twice the man he used to be
Clone him one more time and you’d have three
To offer up for company
Which one is the clone?
Which is real? I couldn’t say.
They’re both just alike,
right down to the DNA
Two of Dave
One more than his lovely mother gave
And we give to each a joyous rave
review for two, who both are Dave
Finally getting around to various things that I’ve been putting off while busy nesting. All of the songs on my webpage have now been annotated — nothing particularly deep or profound, in most cases, but It’s something I’d been meaning to do for a while.
And yes, that trip report is STILL in the queue.
Anyway, the esoterica is all at https://www.autographedcat.com/songs/
I’ve gotten behind on updating this journal, mostly from being so busy the last 2 weeks, between work and my personal life. I’ll try to keep on top of it better in the future. 🙂
As I’ve said before, I’m good at procrastinating. First of all, it seemed a bit silly to me that I, a person who’s been on the Internet since before there was a World Wide Web, should not have an actual homepage of my own. I kinda started to build one back in 1996, but I never got interested in it enough to finish it. But recently, I realized I had a bunch of pictures I could put up, and links to my writing and my songs and so forth, so I determined to get myself my very own domain and set up my very own ego tripping web page. Having determined this, I registered the domain “autographedcat.com”, set up a temporary holding area, moved the photos that were on my personal page there, and…..got distracted and didn’t touch it again for weeks.
Getting all my songs into HTML format and actually up on the web kept looking like a daunting task. It was easy to say ‘”I’d do that today, but I really don’t have time.” and put it off. I knew it was the next big thing I wanted to do, so it was merely a matter of finding the motivation to do it.
Then, one of my songs got nominated for an Pegasus Award. Nominated for Best Song. (The Pegasus Awards are essentially the Grammy awards of the filk community — it’s a tremendous honor to be nominated for one). And I realized that while it had appeared in print in a couple of places, there was no where for someone who hadn’t seen it already to find out what I was about. So I thought “Well, I’ll put it up on the web. But if I’m going to do that, I should go ahead and get them all up.”
So they’re up now. There’s still a few floating around, and a couple that are frankly embarrassing and I don’t want to be seen in public
Sometimes, I get an idea for a song and I sit and think about what I want to say in it and how I want to say it and all sorts of mechanical things that are necessary to transform that idea into music. Other times, it just comes up out of nowhere. It’s what I call “Dictation from the Muse”. “Here,” she says, “take this down. Don’t argue, just take it down.”
The music for this is still a little formless. I’ll keep walking around it until I find it:
Consumed by WonderThe Hundred Acre Wood is dark is dark is closing in Shadows linger shadows leap from behind from within swirling spectres soundless formless timeless ageless seamless screaming shifting sliding swirling swooping down upon me in the closing of the dark of the dark of the dark of the Hundred Acre Wood
Wonderland is dark is dark is closing in Shadows shuffle shadows flee from below from without stalking phantoms mindful prideful vengeful willful skillful streaming swerving skulking stalking swooping up behind me in the closing of the dark of the dark of the dark of Wonderland
The Emerald City is dark is dark is closing in Shadows startle shadows fly from above from withstanding creeping spirits spaceless graceless endless threadless friendless weeping seeping sleeping creeping swooping from within me in the closing of the dark of the dark of the dark of the Emerald City