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I take it all back…

I’ve signed up for various social network sites, though to date LiveJournal is the only one I actually use with any stunning regularity. And in the past, I’ve particularly made disparaging comments about Facebook, saying “I don’t really know what it’s for.” and complained that it mostly seemed to be for spamming other people with quizzes and other fluff.

Well, I would like to redact all my statements from the past about the uselessness of Facebook, as it has within the last two weeks reconnected me with two dear friends I had lot complete track of.

Deanya was a college student working at Waldenbooks when she noticed a couple of high school kids browsing the science fiction section and struck up a conversation. On learning that these two kids were into role playing games, she mentioned the gaming club she and her husband were members of, and invited us to drop by and check it out. Thus began my (and Jeff (hejira2006)’s) association with the Carolina Game Club, and introduced me to a number of great people and quite a number of great games. I lost touch with most of those folks after I moved to Georgia, sadly. Just a few days ago, Jeff and I were chatting on IM and an old gaming-related joke from those days came up, and I wondered out loud “I wonder whatever became of Deanya?”, so I did a little searching and found her Facebook profile. A few days later we were chatting on IM and catching up on the last 20 years, like no time had passed at all.

Once I moved to Georgia, I got a job working in a fundraising call centre (I’m not proud of this, but we were desperately broke at the time and it paid very well. Sorry for interrupting your dinner….) and I met a guy who introduced me to MUDs. Lacking actual home Internet service at the time (this was late 1991/early 1992), I would go and use computers in the Macintosh labs at the University of Georgia campus. (Not being a student meant I didn’t have an account with the University, but no one ever really checked.) It was there I met a lovely lab assistant named Cat, who told me about a MUD that she and her friends were developing, if I was interested in checking it out. Not long after that, the MUD I was playing (Apocalypse II) lost it’s site, so I logged into Cat’s new MUD, JediMUD. Thus began an association with a game that would bring me friends, chosen family, and more than one love affair. Unfortunately, right around the time that kitanzi moved down to Georgia, Cat disappeared and all of us lost touch with her.

Today when I got back from lunch, I was surprised and delighted to see the following in my inbox: “Cat [Lastname] has added you as a friend on Facebook.”

So, you know, Facebook is just all right with me. I’m still not sure how to use it. But i know now what it’s for. It’s for drawing the parts of your world that had falling a bit far away closer to you again. And that’s a good thing.

(God help me, I’m starting to understand the allure of Twitter, too. But that’s another post…)

REMINDER: Election Party Tuesday Night

This is just a reminder that we will be holding an open election party tomorrow night at our place. There will be food and drinks, though feel free to bring something to add to the festivities. We expect people to start showing up around 7pm.

If you need directions, drop me an e-mail or leave a comment.

Hope to see you there!

We inturrupt this program to bring you this breaking news bulletin

Next week is the normally scheduled night for movie night, but it’s also something else.

kitanzi and I were lamenting not being able to attend aiela and davehogg‘s election night party, and I said “Well, we could just throw our own,” and after some discussion, we decided that would be a fine thing to do this month in place of the usual film. So….

Tuesday, November 4th :: 7pm until whenever :: Rob & Larissa’s Place

We’ll have some popcorn, put the returns up on the big TV, and just generally sit around and chat about whatever moves us as the results come in.

The rules

  1. NO BASHING. I have my biases, and I’m sure you have yours. That said, while I like a spirited debate about politics as much as the next person, I’d like to keep my home a friendly space for anyone to attend.
  2. See rule #1.

Seriously, folks, I want to have a good time with this, and I’m willing to pass the chips to someone willing to sit down with me and have a friendly chat, whether they’re Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Socialists, Monarchists, or whatever you might be. It’s a party, not an inquisition.

Who’s in for it??

Movie Night

Just a reminder that it’s the first of the month, and that means movie night! Due to some changes in schedules, we’re moving movie night from Wednesday to Thursday. So don’t show up tonight, because there’s no movie tonight. The movie is tomorrow night. There will be popcorn. Maybe baked goods. And good company. And a movie.

Movie night is Thursday, October 2nd. See you then!

Update on Bizarro Library saga

Thanks to everyone who commented on this post.. My friend read them all and wishes me to thank you all. She’s very grateful for all your concern, support, and suggestions, and when she was feeling overwhelmed, she’d come back and reread your comments and take strength from them.

After the stress finally became enough to make her physically ill yesterday, she took a sick day to consider her options, and had a long talk with Boss. The end result of which is that she plans on tendering her two-week notice today, and begin looking for employment elsewhere.

It’s a big, scary thing to do, but I think that it will ultimately be the best for her. I’m glad she’s going to soon have this madness behind her.

Bizzaro Library (And you thought YOUR job was bad…)

I have a friend who works as a librarian for a small private Northeast college. And she’s utterly miserable, because her boss is insane.

I don’t mean to say that she’s insane in the way that everyone’s boss is insane. I mean to say that she’s clinically paranoid, irrational, inconsistent, and expects her charges to be both superhuman and mind-readers. Consider the following:

  • Boss expects to be told about every single thing that happens, preferably in real time. That means that if a student asks to use a stapler, make a photocopy, or have a tissue, she expects an email reporting this fact. Apparently, nothing is so trivial that she doesn’t want an alert about it.
  • She is convinced that students who come in to ask questions are actually being sent by higher ups to report back on the quality of service, and as a result wants to know what each of them asks, and what they were told, and carefully scrutinizes what information was sent out..
  • She doesn’t want work-study students to do *anything* other than sit and do their homework and “be a face” at the desk. They aren’t supposed to actually help anyone, re-shelve anything, or interact with patrons. They are occasionally trusted to count the number of patrons in the building once an hour. but one gets the feeling she begrudges them even this.
  • She forbids the librarians from referring students to resources outside the library. Any resource or information that comes from beyond the walls of the institution is suspect, and finding out you’ve done so will invite a severe reprimand. They *certainly* aren’t allowed to use the Internet as a tool for finding information.
  • The librarians are forbidden to participate in professional mailing lists, and have been told that if they find themselves in a place with other librarians, they aren’t to talk to them, because she doesn’t want other libraries finding out about their “secrets”. (Hey, lady, I have news for you. You don’t have trade secrets — you’re a *library*. And even if you did, you’d help people research what they are. You know why? Because you’re a freakin’ *library*.)
  • On being told by friend that she didn’t know how to perform a particular task, Boss replies, “You’re a reference librarian. You should know how to do that.” (I suggested that “Well, I know how it would be done in a real library, but how would you like it done here in Bizzaroland?” would probably be impolitic, satisfying though it might be.)
  • Boss frequently issues reprimands to friend in front of co-workers, which makes her feel even worse about things.
  • Boss doesn’t want the librarians to talk to each other any more than absolutely necessary. She was incensed when one of friend’s coworkers sent her a report that friend had requested, containing information that friend needed for the task she’d been assigned to do.
  • Now that friend has been ‘exiled to Siberia’ (read: the other campus), Boss is wanting *hourly* status emails about what’s going on.
  • My friend was promoted, shortly after being hired, when the person in the vacant position quit without warning. My friend protested that she didn’t really have the experience for the job, and was promised she’d be mentored at every step of the way and allowed to grow into it. Subsequent to being promoted, she had a huge amount of stuff dumped on her that she didn’t know how to handle (mostly related to instructional classes that needed to be planned, organized and taught.), was told to “just deal with it”, and then yelled at when the results didn’t match her expectations.
  • After valiantly trying to cope with this stress for weeks, friend finally went to her boss and said “i can’t do this. It’s too much.” Since then, she’s been treated like an incompetent toddler, despite the fact that she was never given the support and direction that was promised her.
  • Last week, friend was asked over to the main campus to attend an instruction tutorial session, with Boss and two co-workers. Upon arriving, Boss told her that *she* was teaching the class, a task she had not being given any opportunity to prepare for. Boss seemed quite irked that my friend wasn’t capable of teaching a class she’d never taught before on a moments notice without preparation.

This is by no means a complete list. I spend a great deal of time alternating between gobsmacked disbelief at this crazy woman and frustration that my friend, who is quite dear to me, is stressed nearly to the breaking point over this incredibly irrational work environment. When she took the job a few months ago, she was so excited about it. She’s good at what she does, and was looking forward to the position. Now, she’s trapped in a miserable job with a crazy boss, no openings in her area to try and apply to, and financially unable to just walk away. (Though the latter option is looking better and better to her, it’s also generally not a good idea to just up and quit a professional position. This isn’t retail.)

I’m sharing all this with you because….well, because it’s just amazing to me, and I had to share it with someone. Though I’m sure my friend will appreciate any sympathy or encouragement you have to offer.

Upcoming travel – Massachusetts in September

We’ve already told a few people about this, but in the interest of making sure that everyone who reads this space knows.

kitanzi and I will be visiting Massachusetts in September, specifically Sept 5-8. Our primary purpose for visiting is to visit some friends from outside our normal social circle and meet up with a group at the Ren Faire, but since we know a large number of you would likely hunt us down and do unpleasant bodily harm to us if we didn’t make some effort to see you, we plan on attending the MASSFILC meeting on Saturday.

So, if you’re inclined to be the sort of person who wants to see us, that’s the place to be. (It would have been great fun to just show up and surprise everyone, but I didn’t want to risk someone being disappointed afterwards because they didn’t end up going that month.)

Hope to see all you New England types there!

Best. First Dance. EVER.

This weekend, two of my WoW guildmates, Silverfoot and Aeshna, got married. They’re a lovely couple, and I wish them all the best

Anyway, also at the wedding were some other TGC members, and one of them had a video capture device, which is a good thing, because otherwise, we’d have only heard about, and not seen, this.


I’m gasping for breath. That was *astounding*. Way to go, guys. May your ever day together be full of magic.

The Week In Review

It’s been a pretty social week out this way, which has been a lot of fun, on the whole.

Locals: Movie Night – June 4!

(I don’t have a filter for locals folks, so feel free to skip this if you’re not in the Atlanta area)

So, the last couple months have been pretty low turnout for movie night. Having said that, we really are hoping to keep the tradition going.

See, I finally unwaffled on buying that new TV. So we have a *really* nice screen to watch movies on now. Our gaming group screened “Raiders of the Lost Ark” last week, in preparation for going out as a group to see Indy 4 *next* week, and it’s just so nice.

So, next Wednesday is our monthly open house movie night, and we’d love to have you come over. As usual, there will be some baked goods, some good conversation, and an interesting movie to watch and discuss. If you need directions, or have any questions, or just want to let us know you’ll be there, leave a comment or email me.

Hope to see you there!

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