fairestcat points towards a primer on having sex on a motorcycle, which is aimed at fanfic writers, but really isn’t this good information for all of us to have?
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Ok, so everyone has probably heard William Shatner’s…..um…..”rendition” of the Lennon/McCartney song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
If you thought that it couldn’t possible get more surreal….well, you were wrong:
Some folks produced a video. Available in Quicktime or Windows Media.
Something that a lot of people don’t know about me is that when I first went to college in 1988, I was a journalism major. I was deeply interested in politics, and had some ambition to write about it professionally.
By the end of my first term, I had soured on the idea, largely because of the intensely negative presidential campaign that year. It seemed to me that the line between the legitimate press and the tabloids was becoming increasingly blurred, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be any part of that. I ended up deciding to change my major to English not too long before I left school altogether for a variety of unrelated reasons.
Over the last 15 years, the direction of the media hasn’t made me regret my decision.
All of this is prelude towards this story on New York Magazine’s webpage, in which Alexandra Polier, the woman who was falsely accused of having an affair with presidential cantidate John Kerry, details how the story unfolded, and what she found when she tried to track the rumours back to the source. Fascinating reading. Don’t skip this one; it’s an eye opener.
From the June 2004 issue of Playboy magazine:
[Jaime Bergman]’s next role? Alice in the movie DysEnchanted, in which seven storybook heroines meet once a week to process their issues in group therapy.
Thanks to gridlore for the link.
Jack Chick is a weird religious nut who draws little comic tracts espousing his own odd version of Christianity. (I’ve never actually met a Christian who had heard of Chick who wasn’t embarrassed by him, to be honest). Most of them are rather unintentionally funny, and one of the most famous of the Chick Tracts in fandom is Dark Dungeons, which targets the evil and Satanic practice of Role Playing Games.
So what do you do when something is so bad it’s unintentionally funny? You send it up to the Sattelite of Love for Mike and the robots to mercilessly make fun of it.
Go read it, it’s hysterical!
I posted this back in 2002, because I liked it, and I think it’s worth repeating again during these uncertain times:
Seething Bilious Hate, Down 3% – Where is all the good news? Why is the media so obsessed with horror and misery? Herein, some possible salve
…what they do with all the really good drugs that they confiscate from folks trying to traffic narcotics through the mail. They give them to stamp artists, who come up with designs like this upcoming stamp honouring Buckminster Fuller
From the April 9 issue of The Tech,. MIT’s online newspaper:
Jail Bill Watterson
by Amal DoraiI really liked “Calvin and Hobbes.” In fact, I’m pretty sure most of you did, too. It was like “The Simpsons”; not just funny, but warm and insightful, taking us back to the carefree days of childhood. Yet Bill Watterson cruelly stopped drawing “Calvin and Hobbes” in 1995, only ten years after it began, and well before it started to get old. It was still funny, still great, and he just stopped. If I were the president of the United States, I’d throw him in prison and force him to draw more strips.
Read the entire column.
Just in time for the Holidays, John Scalzi reprints his classic interview with the Easter Bunny.
rmjwell points to this wonderful article by Avadon Carol.
Consider the teachings of Jesus: He preached against public piety, against putting material wealth above the spiritual, against casting the first stone, against bigotry. He spoke up for the poor and told us to love our neighbors. He blessed the peacemakers and the merciful, and taught his followers to share. He preached love, hope, and charity. He was about forgiveness and redemption.
And so, as someone who, “was raised on the Good Book Jesus ’til I read between the lines,” it’s pretty much impossible for me to look at the modern GOP and the Christian right – and particularly at the Bush administration – and see any of Jesus’ teachings there. I don’t claim to know the mind of any god (which, after all, would be blasphemy), but it seems to me that Bush represents the kind of self-righteous, publicly pious, war-mongering rich men who Jesus warned us not to become.
Unlike Avedon, I wasn’t even raised in a religious tradition, and have always considered myself far more spiritual than religious. But even so, I read this and said “yes, this, this exactly, this is what I’ve been saying all along.”
Go read. it’s good stuff.