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Tag: links Page 14 of 20

Thursday Digest

Shocking footage of Roy Horn (of Seigfreid and Roy) being attacked by a tiger:

Escher recreated in LEGO, along with some other bits of great art. Thanks to John Scalzi for the link.

ladysprite muses on sunrises and sunsets. I just wanted to point it out because it’s such an absolutely lovely piece of writing.

agrumer has a line on the new CCG, Mormonism: The Gathering!

And finally, doctorpepper links to an article in Electronic Gaming Monthly where today’s kids play the games *we* played as kids.

Wednesday digest

laurel points to a story that follows up with three guys who got makeovers from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy‘s Fab Five. Where are they now?

When I saw THIS cartoon, I instantly thought of Three Weird Sisters, and their “Dumb, Dumb Dorothy” song:

(Committed by Michael Fry)

Speaking of the Sisters, they got a writeup in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution!

Following up on last week’s Latin translation of Sir Mix-a-lot’s “Baby Got Back”, stronae gives us a paean to geek girls! (Thanks to aiglet for the pointer!)

aiglet also passes along a great job opportunity!

The Missouri Review offers a critique of Shrub’s attempt at poetry.

almeda muses on bad SF cover art.

China sends a man into space

Tuesday digest

What a cool project. How many album covers can you identify? Here are 60 album covers, stripped of all indentifying text. One of the things I miss about vinyl records is the covers — yeah, some CDs still have interesting art, but it’s so SMALL!

Finally, a political movement I can get behind! (Thanks to lysana for the pointer!)

rmjwell shows us the most compelling evidence yet that Schwarzenegger is just a puppet governer:

filkerdave points me at this lovely tool for translating a phrase into and out of foreign languages until it loses all sense or meaning.

A very amusing eBay auction. Be sure to read all the text:

Monday Digest

From unclechristo, we find the rules for being human.

Keep getting abducted by aliens? These people can help!

I’m sure the really dedicated Dave and Tracy fans have seen this 1999 interview with Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer before, but it was one I hadn’t run across before.

One of my favourite of the newer comics is Jeff Mallett’s Frazz. Today’s Columbus Day strip is a pretty good example:

And today, my beloved kitanzi starts a new job. Everyone think good happy thoughts for her on her first day!

Today’s Random Bits

The worlds ugliest bridesmaid dresses.

A PhD candidate at the University of Oregon is doing a survey on workplace experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals (Thanks to kightp for the link, elsenet.)

ladyat posts a rather amusing list of rules for musicians playing together

Headline spotted: “Man Fatally Dies After Leaping From Squad Car”
(reported on a mailing list)

Let’s all wish a warm and happy 500th birthday to vodka, after it has helped so many of us be warm and happy through the years!

Speaking of anniversaries, the webcomic Queen of Wands just celebrated it’s 200th strip. Congrats, aerie! Y’all go check it out!

More short-takes

It’s National Orgasm Month

So give one to the persons you love today!

Best funny line on the California election came from last night’s Daily Show, which I watched this evening thanks to my TiVo:

Jon Stewart: Steven, do you see any other trends emerging from this election?
Steve Colbert: Absolutely, Jon. In the past, our leaders tended to be veterans of World War II, or the Korean Conflict, or the Civil Rights movement. But with Jesse Ventura, and now Arnold Schwarzenegger, it’s clear that in the future our leaders will be veterans of the movie Predator.

Even if the Cubs and Red Sox do both make it into the world series, it’s still possible they will *both* lose!

And because anyone who doesn’t read it should, and because it’s so recently topical again (and again, and again), a recent favourite Ozy and Millie

Short Takes

From epi_lj, I find that quislibet has translated a large portion of Sir Mix-a-lot‘s seminal musing on caliphygian bounty into Latin

I just got another one of those annoying “We protected you from a virus!” emails. The thing that made this one noteworthy, though, was the oddity of its report. It starts by saying it wanted to warn me “that the e-mail sent by <not disclosed> to <not disclosed> is infected with virus”. It then proceeds to give two blocks of instruction, headed “If you are the sender” and “if you are the recipient”. Er, I’m not sure: am I <not disclosed>, or am I <not disclosed>. If only technology wasn’t so confusing…

Shout out to my pal Graham — welcome to LJ, musicmutt!

Happy birthday to the seriously cute magid!

Lots of cute usericons out there, but this one nearly made soda come out of my nose (courtesy of dpaul007)

Well, kitanzi and I finally have our plane tickets for OVFF booked. If anyone is interested:

Departing ATL: 24OCT03 12:30pm
Arriving CMH: 24OCT03 1:56pm

Departing CMH: 27OCT03 1:30pm
Arriving ATL: 27OCT03 3:05pm

Which means we get to stay for the dead dog too! I’m a bit bummed that we can’t be there for Thursday night, since Thursday night at OVFF has sometimes been magic, but I’m really looking forward to the convention anyway!

Speaking of air travel, this site might amuse some people:

Short Takes

themouseshouse points to a job opening for a network administrator posted by spammers in Costa Rica.

We went to the monthly Alpharetta Library sale, which (in order to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the library sale, presumably) had an Elvis impersonator singing on the front lawn.

Why is it that you never see anyone impersonating the young Elvis. Why is it always the old fat Elvis?

Want to see how the other half lives. Try out the Online Orgasmic Simulator

Couple of interesting spams this week.

The first was advertising “Christian Debt Management”, promising debt relief with a “Christian perspective”. I had a picture of an earnest young man in a shirt and tie sitting behind a cluttered desk, imploring a worried couple to “Render unto Visa that which is Visa’s….”

The other one that caught my eye boldly promised to help me achieve “The best sex I probably ever had.” Now, I’m not a marketing genius, but….probably. Way to hedge your bets there, guys.

Most interesting news story of the week came courtesy of NPR’s All Things Considered on October 1, when they interviewed Andre Tolme, a man who is golfing across Mongolia. (Requires RealAudio to hear the actual story.) I also found Andre Tolme’s webpage.


An interview with Don Woods, one of the original authors of the Adventure text game!

Thanks to hitchhiker for the link!

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