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Tag: links Page 15 of 20

Laser Monks!

I don’t know why, but this just made my week! 🙂

OK, this is too amusing not to share.

Radiohead Rorschach
An innocent fifth grader’s picture is worth a thousand-word critical analysis.

It is no longer possible to have an original opinion on Radiohead.

You’ve absorbed the deified albums, quarreled over the rock critic pontifications, frowned at the guarded, combative interviews. Thom Yorke’s ugly-stick-beaten mug has peered at you from the pages of every magazine known to man; his every word and every note has ignited its own individual Internet flame war. Mass media has bombarded us with Radiohead critique, rendering us unable to generate an unfiltered opinion of our own.

When you listen to Radiohead, you’re no longer actually listening to Radiohead — you’re listening to everyone’s opinion about Radiohead. It’s impossible to separate what you hear from what you’ve read. You are betrayed by what you know, and you know way too much.

Thus, in order to solicit an honest, undiluted opinion about Radiohead, you’d have to find the proverbial People Living Under Rocks. As People Living Under Rocks are unavailable, let’s use fifth graders.

Read the whole story…

(link found via John Scalzi)

Oh, how cool!

I know kitanzi would murder me in my sleep if I started dragging junk like this into the house, but…

Steve Wozniak OK’s Apple I replicas

My first computer was an Apple ][, and I adored it. I used it up until it finally gave up the ghost sometime in 1991, and replaced it with an Amiga. I didn’t actually own a PC until 1994, when I began teaching computer applications and programming at a business school in Athens, GA, and found it useful to have the platform I was teaching at my home. And the whole history of computers is a fascination for me. Too cool!

(linked via lysana. Thanks!)

Paul Krugman Interview

I don’t do politics very often, and maybe I should, but sometime in my late 20s I lost my stomach for it. On the other hand, this is important stuff. As Mike Peterson pointed out once, “To see people dismiss “politics” as a topic no more compelling than golf or the latest sitcom is very frightening. It’s like someone walking across a superhighway but casually saying that they aren’t interested in automobiles so they don’t bother to look.”

So take a moment of your time and read this interview with NY Times columnist Paul Krugman which appeared in Kevin Drum’s blog CalPundit.

Don’t skip it. Cause, y’know, this is important stuff.


While surfing around looking for something else, I came across this:

The Princess Menace

Go. Enjoy. 🙂

Which came first…

Seen in, the Annals of Improbable Research investigates The Famous Chicken & Egg Conundrum.

Delightfully wrong…

One of the things I love to collect is odd covers of songs. The more strange the better. Thanks to gridlore, I have a new item in my collection:

A Bluegrass version of “Scotland The Brave”

This Modern World

Salon today has a great interview with Dan Perkins, aka Tom Tomorrow, the artist behind the comic strip “This Modern World”.

You’ll have to watch a brief advert to get to the content, but it’s well worth it.

I *know* you’ve all been anxiously awaiting this… announced the winner in its bad erotica contest!

Also of interest, an article on twelve steps towards writing a good sex scene

Neither of these are especially work-safe. Thanks to elfgirl for the links. 🙂

Oh. My. God.

Speaking of things to if you just have WAY too much time on your hands:

Lord Of The Peeps

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