Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Tag: links Page 16 of 20

Penny for your thoughts…

(linked via randomrants, who is still entirely cool even if she and I live in the same town and still manage to never see each other anymore *G*):

The MegaPenny Project

Bush vs. Bush

George W. Bush debates George W. Bush on foreign policy

I’m having trouble believing this is a real news story

It’s not April 1, it’s in a usually reliable tech news source.

Um, I’m at a loss. Make your own joke:

MSN to Test Internet Toilet in UK

Photoshop propaganda

I think I’ll be picking up a copy of this book when it’s published. Thanks to filkerdave for pointing out the article to me!

Link found in hitchhiker’s LJ

Canada’s apology to the United States

Technology makes EVERYTHING better…

The Gettysburg Powerpoint Presentation…

Stolen from angilong’s journal

The Blimp of DOOM!

(Look for the rest of my UK trip report, and last weekend’s housefilk, later in the day)


Sometimes, someone says something you want to say so clearly that you don’t need to say it yourself. Thanks to baldanders for doing just that.

Oh my sweet Aunt Clara….

This would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. (Thanks to lothie for the link):

DoD offering admin privileges on .mil Web sites

As a sysadmin, I just don’t have words to describe my reaction to this. Simply mindboggling.

What if LOTR had been written…

Tolkien fans will not want to miss this:

What if LOTR had been written by someone else?

(Note: This is not the old set of pastiches that have been ciruclating for some years. Go look, they’re fun.)

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