Wiccan cookbooks, chocolate handcuffs and more fine ways to perturb the
GOP overlords this holiday
Tag: links Page 17 of 20
…and 35 other things every rock critic should know
EDIT 10/05/2005: The link is gone, but the link is forever.
The US wants to have a war! Who’s coming along?
Found this very cool etymology website today, and thought I would share:
In response to my last entry, someone asked:
How about a search on “Random Insult Generator”? No shortage of hits with that one!
Yeah, but are they SURREAL insults? I mean, anyone can insult someone without much imagination.
I did, however, enjoy finding the Random Renaissance Insult Generator, which provided me with “THOU BOOTLESS SHEEP-BITING HEDGE-PIG!” and “THOU INFECTIOUS FLAP-MOUTHED VARLET!” (which sounds awfully Yosimite-Samish).
John M. Ford wrote this stunning poem about September 11. Go read it. Now.
Came across this in Teresa Neilsen Hayden’s journal, and couldn’t resist passing it along.
Read Teresa’s comments afterwards: