Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Tag: new year

Dusting Out The Cobwebs

*walks in, blows the dust off the cover of this journal, and looks sheeishly apologetic*

It’s been far too long since I kept this journal.  There’s a lot of reasons for that, but most of them are boring, so I’m going to skip past them to the more interesting promise of actually starting again.

With the new year already well in full swing, there’s a lot of things I want to apply myself towards in 2017.  In no particular order;

  • Reading

    In recent years, I haven’t been reading as much as I did in the past.   Or rather, I haven’t been reading books, and particular fiction.  Part of that was that for a long time, a large part of our library was still in storage in Georgia, but we got that fixed back in May.  Mostly, it’s just a matter of allocating my time so that sitting with a book rather than staring at a screen is what I’m doing.  So this year, I’m going to take myself up on one of those book challenges where I record the books I read and try to read at least 50 in the calendar year.   If I can get myself back in the habit, I should easily exceed that number.  (I once had to have my mother come with me to the public library to confirm that, yes, I had in fact read the entire stack of books I’d checked out just a few days earlier.)

  • Creating

    I want to spend more time making art in various forms.  I want to write more songs.  I want to improve my guitar skills, and finally learn to play the bass guitar I bought.  I want to write more essays and fiction and film reviews.  And, importantly, I want to start podcasting again.  All of my previous podcasting projects went onto hiatus, and I’ve really been missing that outlet.  I have some ideas bubbling up, and in the meantime, I’m always available to guest if anyone needs someone to come on and run their mouth. 🙂

  • Blogging

    One of the reasons I haven’t been blogging more is because a lot of the things that used to make up a blog post have turned into Facebook fodder.  And I’m probably not going to stop writing on Facebook, but I want to make an effort to keep this forum engaged too, because the way I approach writing on this journal is substantially different to the way I approach writing on Facebook.  And I’ve found it very useful at times to go back and re-read the things I write here, because they keep me in touch with where I was at the time.

So this is, by way of being the first real post in quite some time, a rededication of this blog.  I will, as is my custom, continue to crosspost things from here onto other platforms (FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Dreamwidth), in order to make it easier for people to find what I’m writing wherever it is you happen to be hanging out these days.

Looking forward, looking back

For Larissa and me, 2012 was the year of stasis.  We had big plans, and we worked towards them diligently, but a great deal of it felt like marking time until we could pull the lever that would propel everything into motion.1

A year ago, we threw that lever and began the adventure.  Leaving our jobs, packing the car, and driving west to Seattle was a carefully orchestrated gamble, but a gamble nonetheless.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary.
–Henry David Thoreau, Walden

2013 was the year of transitions.  We moved across the country and set up house with a dear friend who needed roommates.  Six months later, we introduced her to another dear friend, with whom she promptly fell in love and moved to Boston.  We left our landing spot in the suburbs and moved into the heart of the city, in the shadow of the Space Needle and just blocks from the scenic waterfront of Elliot Bay.

I found a new job.  Larissa found an old one.

One romantic relationship came to an abrupt end, to my dismay.  Another unexpectedly came into being, to my delight.

I left one podcast, and began the work of reviving another.

I wrote several new songs.  I performed a concert at OryCon.2  Just recently, I started taking guitar instruction for the first time in over 15 years.3

Darling, I’ve always tried to find the road not taken
From Monterey to Macon, two lanes have been my friends
Coastal highway, bayou byway, out and back again
But if you say you’re lonely, you know there’s only 40, 80, or 10
–Tanya Savory, “40, 80, or 10”

I drove the entire length of the country, from Georgia to California and up to Washington.4 I saw the Grand Canyon in all its glory, and traversed the Great Divide.  I travelled to destinations old and new:  Portland, Oregon; Vancouver, Canada; Salt Lake City, Utah; Columbus, OH.  I explored my new city and it’s surrounding lakes and mountains, the place I had chosen at long last, to call home.

Over the course of this year, I’ve not done some things as well as I would have liked.  I have been a terrible correspondent, relying much too heavily on social media to keep in touch.  I’ve done an even worse job reaching out to newly local friends.5 For various reasons, I’ve done very little podcast recording this past year, though that was almost entirely not by my choice.  This blog has been too too neglected, though I made a couple of efforts to remedy that, and I hope to do a better job in the coming year.  And it will probably take most of the next year for our finances to adequately recover from moving all the mountains we had to shift in order to make it to where we are.

But where we are, I have to say, is pretty damn good.  As the year draws to a close, we are finding a new equilibrium, and settling into new habits and routines.  There will always be change; the wheel will always turn.  But I feel as though the great transition we set in motion a year ago is complete.

We are home.

This is my ghost, this is my home — millions of miles my mind can’t own
No one’s seen it all; no one will
But I want to memorize it, every inch, want to remember where I’ve been
I bless these waves, I bless this wind, bless this grace & all my sins
–Marian Call, “Highway Five”

  1. I remarked to Kathleen Sloan in July of that year that I felt like we were turning our entire world upside down in slow motion. 

  2. Where I also was a program participant on a wide variety of panels. 

  3. Aside from a 12 week introductory group class in 1998, I’m entirely self taught.  Many of you are now nodding and thinking “Ah, that explains it…” 

  4. I’ve now driven pretty much the entire length of I-40, most of it on this one trip. 

  5. Social anxiety is awkward. I really do want to spend time with all of you.  I’m just really really bad at actually saying that. 

A long December, and there’s reason to believe…

…maybe this year will be better than the last.

To be honest, 2012 wasn’t a bad year, as such. It was a slow and frustrating year. It was the year of holding still, the year of planning, the year of being restless and unable to proceed. And now, having run in place for so long, things are about to move very quickly, indeed.

As of today, I am a professional hobo. At least, for a time. I will be aggressively looking for new employment as soon as we get to Seattle, which we will do within the month, but for now, I am an agent without portfolio for the first time since 1996. I have no words to describe how utterly weird that is to me. Yesterday, I went out to lunch with my manager and those of my team who were in the office that day. I’m going to miss working with them (though I have a suspicion they will miss working with me more).

Over the next week, my primary focus will be on packing and shifting things to the storage unit, and planning how to pack what we’re bringing with us. Because of the financial uncertainty brought about by not having our income locked down, we’re choosing to leave most of what we’ll eventually move in a storage unit here in Georgia, to be sent for when we know the money won’t be needed for rent and food and such. After that, it’s crunch time for Gafilk, and I have plenty to do in the leadup for that to keep me busy until we actually have the con and then we’ll hit the road.

One of the things I’d like to try and do in the new year is write more, and in particular write more in this journal. For a variety of reasons, I stopped posting much a few years ago; primarily, it was because what was mostly on my mind at the time wasn’t really for public reading, and then I fell out of the habit. But when I go back and re-read my journal from 1999-2006, I like how so much of what was going in my life was documented there, and I dislike the big empty silent place my journal turns into. Of course, it’s harder due to the fact that fewer and fewer people are participating here, and I’m a comment-driven writer to a certain extent, but since I’m mostly writing for myself, I should be able to get up a regular schedule. Expect to see my prattle on a bit in the common weeks, and possibly live-blog our drive across country.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful turning of the year, and may your 2013 be full of health, magic, and prosperity.

Long weekends, much to do…

Due to the timing of the holidays this year, I have three long weekends in a row, of which this is the middle one. Last weekend, of course, was Christmas, which featured a lovely Orphan’s Dinner at Alice’s (where, I have it from reliable sources, you can get everything you want — excepting Alice), which featured marvelous food, and great conversation. It did mean we skipped out on our Christmas Day tradition of going to see a movie, but that’s ok. I need to work on being more social anyway, and this was a lovely way to do it.

This weekend is even more quiet. Ever since bedlamhouse and ladyat moved to Indiana, we just haven’t felt drawn to any of the varied New Year’s gatherings. So we spent New Year’s Eve at home, watching TV and playing video games. We’ve just recently wrapped up season one of NBC’s marvelous police drama Life, which my darling sweetmusic_27 turned me onto some while ago and we finally got around to watching. Today, i went for a haircut and a massage, and then dropped by Fry’s to pick up season two (alas, the final season…sometimes, I think it’s better if shows get canceled *before* I really get into them. I feel less guilty that way). So that will probably fill our spare viewing time coming up.

Next weekend is Gafilk, and I’m both ready for it to be here already and panicking that there’s just not enough time. Truth told, pretty much what can be done has been done, and there’s nothing left to do now but show up and play the music. I’m really looking forward to it!

I’m just a mirror of a mirror of myself

AS I sit at my desk, the decade is drawing to a close. 2009 has been a bumpy year for me, and these last few days even more so, but as I try to think back to 1999, I can’t help but marvel at how much my life has changed for the better.

I considered writing a big long essay, trying to make sense of it all, but in the end it comes down to this: I have filled my life with love, and had that love returned to me. I have friends old and new who care about me, and have the great and humbling fortune to call six of the most intelligent, beautiful and sexy women on this planet my sweeties…and to call one of those six women my wife, the best partner I could have ever dreamed for myself. I’m not sure I am deserving of any of that, but every day I strive to be.

Not a bad way to wind up a decade, if I do say so myself. Here’s to the next ten years being even better.

Happy new year, everyone. May your next year be better than the last.

Ring out the Old, Ring in the New

Had to work on New Years Eve, but we got let go about 3:30pm, which was nice. kitanzi wasn’t so lucky, and not only had to work her full shift (which lets out at 8pm), she got stuck on a call at the last minute and didn’t actually get away until a half hour after her shift ended. Such is the life of support folk, though. She came home in need some serious festivity, so we quickly ate the sloppy joes I had prepared for dinner and then set off for New Years Eve at Bedlam House.

New Years Resolution

I hereby resolve in 2004 to kiss as many pretty girls as I can manage.

So there. 🙂

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

May the year to come bring you twice the joy and only half the sorrow of the year just past.

So that’s another year gone by

And here we stand, and the beginning of a new year, full of promise and potential.

When I look back at 2002, it seems hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that it was only one 12-month period. So many trials, so many changes. A lot of ups and downs.

The second half of 2002, however, has found me happier than I can remember being in a lifetime. I’m looking forward to continuing that into 2003.

And I wish the same amount of happiness to all of you.


A wonderful new years wish….

Found in Neil Gaiman’s webjournal:

“May your 2002 be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t to forget make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in 2002, you surprise yourself.”

I like that.

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