Hey, what’s that? Why, it’s the final ballot for the 2012 Pegasus Awards! Congratulations to all the nominees!
Hey, what’s that? Why, it’s the final ballot for the 2012 Pegasus Awards! Congratulations to all the nominees!
It’s the time again, Mr. and Mrs Filker and all the ships in C….time once again to send in your nominating ballot for the Pegasus awards!
The brainstorming is done, and that means the nominating ballot is available for you to fill out!
The results of the brainstorming poll are here:
And the actual nominating ballot is here:
If you aren’t sure what the Pegasus awards are or who they’re for, or whether or not you should nominate for them, well, i had a lot to say on the subject, but then Vixy went and said it all better than I was going to, so I’ll just link to her piece here as well:
The Pegasus Award, what it is, and what it isn’t
Let’s make this happen!
Just a reminder that the online balloting for this year’s Pegasus awards ends Monday night. So if you haven’t yet cast your vote, you have just two days left to do so!
You will find the ballot at http://www.ovff.org/pegasus/2011finalballot.html
Well, the nominations have been counted, and the final ballot has been prepared. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2011 Pegasus Ballot awaits:
And my, what a ballot we have. Perhaps I’m a romantic, but this is one bad-ass ballot. I could not compose a better one, at least not one that would perform as well. Truly, this ballot represents the best filk has to offer, and is destined to be a classic.
All that is left, dear friends, is for you to go and vote. In order to make sure you can evaluate every single song, composer, and performer nominated, sound samples are available right there on the ballot page. So go, listen, and vote your favourites.
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