Gwnewch y pethau bychain

Tag: travel

Well, kitanzi and I finally have our plane tickets for OVFF booked. If anyone is interested:

Departing ATL: 24OCT03 12:30pm
Arriving CMH: 24OCT03 1:56pm

Departing CMH: 27OCT03 1:30pm
Arriving ATL: 27OCT03 3:05pm

Which means we get to stay for the dead dog too! I’m a bit bummed that we can’t be there for Thursday night, since Thursday night at OVFF has sometimes been magic, but I’m really looking forward to the convention anyway!

Speaking of air travel, this site might amuse some people:

The Rest of the Vacation

Hrm, I do seem to procrastinate rather a lot, don’t I. Sherman, set the wayback machine for the week AFTER ConCertino. 🙂


Well, between vacation the week after ConCertino (which I will cover separately) and being just flat out tired this last week, I haven’t managed to do any updating in a while. So here’s some flashbacks on ConCertino. As usual, this isn’t so much a con report as a bunch of random memories. Being two weeks later, I’m sure I’ll forget something and then be mortified about it later, so apologies in advance.

Part Four: The Course (home)

Over there, Part the third

At long last, the Quinze report

Ok, so I’ve been neglecting catching up on trip reports, which is not unusual for me, but I didn’t want to let the rest of my trip to England go unreported on, so here’s part two. Maybe I’ll get caught up by the weekend.

There and Back Again

It was about this time last year that I decided I was going to go to the UK filkcon in 2003. My dear friend Teri (teri945) was going to be one of the GOH, I’d always wanted to go, and was only recently free from former personal constraints which left me able to undertake such a trip.

After discussing the likely costs with a number of people who had made the trip before, I approached kitanzi about the idea of us going over together. This was several months before she decided to move to Georgia, and there were any number of reasons why it might have been complicated, but I felt like I could afford it and really wanted to give her something special like a trip overseas. When she did move down, it became something we both were carefully saving for and working toward being able to do. Finally, on February 5th, it was time to leave

My bags are packed, I’m ready to go…

Next stop — London! See everyone who’s going to be at Quinze, and I’ll see everyone else when we get back!


This morning, after the direct deposit of my paycheck dropped into the bank, I went to and pushed the “please drain my bank account” button.

kitanzi and I now have airline tickets to Quinze.


Home safe.

We made it home safe. Details of the trip to follow. Tomorrow or later.

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